![]() Patriot, They can’t be serious. After year of unprecedented abuses of the American public, Congress is trying to buy you off with $600, while they give their buddies $Billions more in the latest round of their “stimulus,” which we’ve watched fail for 12 straight years. Why stop when you’re on a roll, right? Now we’re hearing $600 per person may not just be enough to get taxpayers to agree to the following:
And this is just the beginning of what’s in the bill! While you may think it’s all a big joke, comedian Jerry Seinfeld was dead serious when he lobbied Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) for $10 billion in this bill to bail out comedy clubs! Patriot, this has ventured into the absurd, but we know how this show ends because it’s just a re-run of what Washington D.C. has been churning out for 12 years. The only thing the “stimulus” bill will stimulate in the American public this time is more anger towards politicians, bureaucrats, and their corporate cronies. Anger is certainly warranted, but I suggest directing it at the people who can stop this madness! Contact the White House and tell President Trump to veto any more bailout bills, and then call your senators and representative to tell them enough is enough: White House: 202-456-1111 House: 202-225-3121 Senate: 202-224-3121 Then, please consider pitching in $35, $50, $100, or more if you can right now to ensure Campaign for Liberty has the resources it needs to keep fighting across the country in 2021. Congress has received a lot of backlash on this first proposal. So much so that President Trump admonished them in a speech last night. But the president’s big issue is that the taxpayer wasn’t given enough money, and now he’s demanding $2,000 per person. Will that pacify the public enough to swallow all those giveaways to the bureaucracy and corporate cronies? While $2,000 certainly sounds more appealing than $600, you and I know the answer to the financial woes being felt by the American public is to open the economy back up and for the federal and state governments to get out of our business! There’s still time to stop this monstrosity and the horrific inflation that it’s guaranteed to cause. Patriot, we also face the danger that if Congress gives in to President Trump’s demands, they may just send an even worse bill that may include requirements for airlines to mandate the rushed Coronavirus vaccine. Or they could hide H.R. 666(6), the Contact Tracing and Tracking bill, which would be the complete and utter destruction of what’s left of our health freedom. I can assure you that all these horrible ideas, and more, are on the table. I urge you to flood White House and Congress with calls to veto the current bill, rip up any other versions, and do not attempt another bailout. White House: 202-456-1111 House: 202-225-3121 Senate: 202-224-3121 But time is running out to stop them. Trump wants more money given to the people, and Pelosi is overjoyed at the prospect of spending even more too (and probably give more money to her cronies at the same time while pushing our national debt higher and higher). Regardless of what Congress and the President do, we’ll have a real mess on our hands to start cleaning up and the national and local level. 2021, by all measures, will be Campaign for Liberty’s most critical year. The attacks on liberty will come from the left and from the Deep State like never before. We are already pre-filing bills in several states to take on important issues to you like:
And we anticipate a slew of new challenges like contact tracing schemes and forced vaccinations, which has been discussed and even enacted in a few states. After you put the White House and the Congress on notice about the latest corona-bailout, please renew your support for Campaign for Liberty in 2021, at once. Your generous donation of $35, $50, $100 or more will keep Campaign for Liberty and our chapters across the country funded in the fights against big government and corona-tyranny. We’ve also been working with my good friend Thomas Massie (R-KY) to re-introduce the Audit the Fed bill and the co-sponsor list is already off to a good start. 2021 will be extremely busy for us and your voice will matter more than ever. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman If you haven’t already renewed your support for Campaign for Liberty, I’m asking you to make your most generous end-of-year contribution now. I’m grateful for all you do for liberty. ![]() |