America is in a cultural crisis: Will we preserve our freedoms, or will we lose them?
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Charlemagne Institute
A Letter From
Devin C. Foley, CEO
America is in a cultural crisis: Will we preserve our freedoms, or will we lose them?

Between the economic destruction through lockdowns and the apparent fraud of an election, the Deep State has flexed its muscles and made 2020 a painful year for conservatives and Middle America.

It’s almost enough to lose hope, but we cannot.

We must remember that what has happened to our country did not occur due to a few elections. This moment in American history is the result of over one-hundred years of Marxists and globalists burrowing into places of cultural influence and political power.

They made the long march through the institutions and now we must do so as well.

At Charlemagne Institute, we have always seen the battle before us as a culture war first and foremost. It is the hearts and minds of the people that must be won back, something we are eminently positioned to do through Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture and Intellectual Takeout, with its 10 million unique readers annually!

Remember, 73 million+ Americans voted against the Deep State, globalism, and the cultural Marxists – more than voted for President Obama not long ago.

Going forward we strive to help those disenfranchised Americans have a firm foundation in the history and ideals of Western Civilization and to understand what is happening now and why. Importantly, we also aim to provide answers to one of the most frequent questions we get: What can I do?

For too long, conservatives have answered that question by telling people just to get involved in politics and vote. That’s important, but there are also very important opportunities for impact outside of politics. Think schools, family life, colleges, museums, churches, the arts, music, and so much more.

The American people have shown that they are hungry for change. Will you help us cast the vision and give our readers the knowledge, understanding, and direction they seek in these bewildering times?

Right now, we need to raise $100,000 by the end of the year to stay on budget. Will you help us today with a gift of $25, $50, $100, or even $250?

Give Now

As a way of saying thanks and spreading the best ideas of the West, for anyone who contributes $50 or more will receive a complimentary copy of Remembering the Right, our special issue that tracks some of the most influential conservatives of the 20th century! You will also receive a 12-month subscription to Chronicles magazine!

Please consider supporting our work today with a tax-deductible contribution of $25, $50, $100, or even $250. We have a long march before us and we need your help to do it.

Have a very merry Christmas!


Devin Foley

Devin C. Foley
Co-Founder and CEO
Charlemagne Institute

P.S. For your gift of $50 or more, you will receive not only a 12-month subscription to Chronicles magazine, but also our special issue Remembering the Right!

If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or call (952) 388–0840.

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