RE: FUTURES Impact in 2020 - Help Us Prepare for What Comes Next
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Dear John,

Greetings! I wanted to make sure you saw my note from last week, along with the link to our annual FUTURES Impact Report

With support from individuals like you, FUTURES can remain nimble and continue to support frontline responders such as advocates, educators and service providers with training and resources to serve and support survivors and their families, advocate for future funding at the federal level and build leadership and capacity within the field of violence prevention and education.

I hope you will consider supporting FUTURES as the year comes to a close. Your support couldn’t be more urgent as we prepare for recovery in 2021. Please donate now.

Stay safe and be well this holiday season.

With deep gratitude,

Dear John,

The end of this year brings powerful feelings of gratitude, a renewed yearning for connection, and the painful awareness that so many families are living with grief, fear and loss in a season normally given to celebration.

These are hard times, and I want to say a heartfelt thank you to all of our FUTURES supporters and friends during this incredibly challenging year. We cannot do our work without you. Our talented and dedicated staff met the unprecedented demands of 2020 in remarkable and innovative ways. I am proud of what we were able to achieve, and hope that you will be too, after taking a look at this year’s Impact Report:


I hope you will consider supporting FUTURES, if you have not done so already, as we approach the end of a tumultuous year.

​Your support is needed now more than ever. Please donate today.

With deepest gratitude from all of us at FUTURES, 

Esta Signature

Esta Soler
Founder & President



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100 Montgomery St.
The Presidio
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