As 2020 comes to a close, I wanted to reach out to wish you a happy and healthy holiday season. Our team sends you our best wishes for a happy New Year!
Reflecting on this past year, I’m so proud of everything we accomplished together. The people of CA-41 stepped up to take care of their friends and neighbors, turned out in huge numbers to vote for progress in November, and helped us flip the White House blue. Together, we’re healing the country.
To all my supporters: Happy holidays and thank you for your support in the past year. We couldn’t have done it without you. I look forward to working with you to deliver the change our country needs in the new year.
— Mark
This holiday season, we’re still facing a dangerous pandemic and we must continue our efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19. As you celebrate, we urge you to keep COVID-19 safety precautions in mind: avoid gathering in groups, wear a mask, wash your hands, and continue to social distance.
To learn more about COVID-19 and safety precautions please visit or the Centers for Disease Control website.
Since 2013, Mark Takano has represented the people of the Inland Empire in the United States House of Representatives, fighting for the region’s progressive priorities. He’s been a voice for veterans, seniors, students, local businesses and hardworking families. We need to hold our Democratic Congressional majority now more than ever. The leadership of Democrats like Mark will be critical to holding Trump accountable and ensuring the healing of our country during this challenging time. Please help us keep Mark in Congress fighting for our Democratic values by contributing today!