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The Dan Bongino Show
December 23, 2020
Listen to today's show:
ep 1419

In this episode, I discuss the behind the scenes strategy the Trump team likely used to box in Pelosi on the Stimulus Bill.

Bongino Report
Dan's News Picks:

New York Leads the Nation in Population Decline

At this rate, the Empire State is on track to be a former empire.
Citizens voting with their seat and leaving blue states for red states is no new phenomenon.


Trump Calls COVID-Relief Bill a “Disgrace.” Calls For the Whole Bill to be Redone and $2000 Checks

The COVID-19 relief bill has been widely and justifiably panned by both conservatives and liberals. Now, Donald Trump has joined the chorus of critics by calling the bill a “disgrace.”


Gun Sales Skyrocket to All-Time-High in 2020

After taking a breather in the early years of the Donald Trump presidency, gun sales set a record this year.

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