CCAN has been busy. This is what we've done for you and the climate.

Message from the Director
Mike Tidwell
Dear John,
Have you finished exhaling yet? Joe Biden won! Donald Trump lost! The US Senate runoff races in Georgia won’t wrap up till January 5th, I know. But HOLY COW, the biggest victory is complete. The “climate arsonist” Donald Trump is on his way out.
Across this nation, we know time is almost up for a swift and transformative clean-energy revolution. But here’s what gives me hope. In the middle of a pandemic, with a hate-spewing President explicitly trying to push disruptive chaos into the process, our country at every level and in every state conducted an incredibly smooth and fair election with record turnout. The Chesapeake Climate Action Network is proud to have played our role, both regionally and nationally, in the climate movement with several major victories. As the year comes to an end, won’t you make a gift to keep us going?
Washington, DC and National
Join us for our BRRRR-tual Polar Bear Plunge to "Keep Winter Cold"
The plunge must go on! On February 13th, hundreds of climate activists will come together virtually to take the plunge for our climate.
There are many ways to join the plunge. You can dump an ice-cold bucket of water on yourself, jump into a cold bath or kiddie pool, or even run into a nearby pond or creek. All that matters is that you and bear-y cold water come into contact.
Join the CCAN team, Bill McKibben, Rev. Lennox Yearwood, and Congressman McEachin for this fun virtual event! Our annual plunge is our largest fundraising event of the year. Sign up at
2021 on the Hill and in the White House
With Biden’s inauguration we have a rare window to enact sweeping national climate policies. We are preparing to have the largest impact on these national policies as possible, to help make sure they are passed and fight to put racial equity at the center of those policies. We have doubled down on our grassroots efforts in West Virginia and we will be ready to push Senator Manchin to support real climate solutions. With a closely divided Senate, no climate policy will be able to pass without Manchin’s support.
CCAN has also been a movement leader in making sure we protect access to the courts for municipalities suing the fossil fuel industry. We are building relationships with lawmakers in each committee of jurisdiction over climate legislation in the House. In coordination with our allies at the Center for Climate Integrity and the American Association for Justice, we will make sure that any climate policy that passes the House will include language explicitly protecting access to the courts.
There are a lot of unknowns about the early months of 2021. Whether it’s the Georgia Senate runoffs or the COVID-19 vaccine, we just don’t know what will happen. What we do know is that we have the best odds we have ever had to pass national climate legislation at the scale of the problem. Whatever happens, CCAN will be there, doing all we can to enact justice centered climate policy.
A War Not Yet Lost: Eastern Shore Pipelines
On December 2nd, members of the Board of Public Works voted 3 to 0 to approve a key permit for the Del-Mar Pipeline to carry fracked gas into the Eastern Shore region of Maryland. The Del-Mar Pipeline is one of the two controversial, dirty-energy pipelines proposed for the region in an era of rapid climate change and environmental justice sensitivity.
A lot happened in the months leading up to the vote. A commissioned study uncovered troubling environmental justice issues with the pipeline, and the Mayland NAACP added the pipelines to their list of environmental justice priorities and local county chapters took a stance in opposition. And CCAN, with help from our partners at the Maryland Chapter of the Sierra Club and the Wicomico Environmental Trust, released a white paper outlining concerns about the economics of these pipeline projects. Ultimately, over four thousand emails and 700 letters were sent to the Board of Public Works urging them to reject the pipelines. But BPW didn’t even consider applications for renewable energy sources.
By approving the Del-Mar pipeline, the Board elected to ignore numerous climate and environmental justice concerns. That is an injustice. As a next step, CCAN will continue to fight and organize against the pipeline, including the Chesapeake Utilities portion which is expected to come before the Board in the next couple of months. Help us win by signing this petition.
We Need Climate Solutions. Now.
As climate activists, we’re more than grateful for a Biden win. With his leadership, we can look forward to a bold new climate plan and our re-entry into the Paris Climate Accord. However, even if Democrats gain a Senate majority, states will still need to wholeheartedly commit to their own net-zero emissions policies if we hope to make sweeping federal legislation a reality.
Our top priority legislation -- The Climate Solutions Now bill, introduced by Sen. Paul Pinsky and Del. Dana Stein -- seeks to do that and more. Most critically, it will position us to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2045; right in line with internationally recognized scientific mandates as well as recent recommendations from the Maryland Commission on Climate. Beyond just setting targets, it also revises several flaws in our state’s climate planning process by requiring use of best available scientific information, banning the expansion of highways and unproven carbon capture technologies as emissions pathways, and adjusting the way we account for the impacts of highly potent methane as a greenhouse gas. It also takes immediate climate-forward job creating actions -- such as planting half a million trees annually for the next decade and increasing efficiency requirements through the highly successful EMPOWER program. A new workgroup created by the bill will oversee labor impacts and ensure that new career opportunities are being filled fairly. And in keeping with the national dialogue on racial and economic justice, it comes with a heavy focus on investments in “disadvantaged” communities.
Last year’s version of this common sense bill experienced bipartisan committee support for good reason - it’s a logical next step for Maryland to stay relevant in our fast changing economy. We have great precedent for strong economic success from our state’s participation in climate programs. For example, our participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative has both reduced our emissions and brought significant revenue to our state’s coffers. And because of the 2019 Clean Energy Jobs Act, we were seeing excellent job gains to the clean energy industry before COVID hit. To regain this ground and continue to showcase our ability to be a player in the new green economy, it’s imperative that our state adopt this winning policy. Sign here to add your support for Climate Solutions Now.
This past legislative session, Virginia took significant strides toward reducing emissions from the energy sector. Most notably, the Commonwealth passed the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA). This legislation puts us on the path towards 100% clean energy generation by 2050. Most importantly, the legislation creates a framework to achieve the goals in a way that will protect ratepayers, invest in frontline communities, and create thousands of jobs in the new economy. This framework seeks to invest in energy efficiency and renewables, enact a renewable portfolio standard, expand distributed clean power generation, and eliminate utility-related carbon pollution.
Passing the VCEA was a bold and pivotal first step but the work to preserve our climate is far from done. Moving forward, we must work to enact a fossil fuel moratorium in order to protect Virginians and their communities from dangerous and unnecessary fracked-gas pipelines. We also have to ensure that electric utilities are achieving these carbon reduction and clean energy goals at the lowest cost to ratepayers and hold them accountable to their commitments. Further, we have to commit to a just-transition that seeks to include all Virginians in this new clean energy economy and protects formerly coal-reliant communities. Through continued bold and deliberate action, we can build on the momentum of the VCEA, and achieve a clean energy future for all.
Sign here to help curb transportation emissions in Virginia.
With ACP cancelled, all eyes are on the MVP
The MVP continually meets opposition and “stop work” orders, thanks largely to resistance fighters on the ground, including direct action in the form of aerial resistance at the Yellow Finch tree sites. Meanwhile, a dedicated team of citizen scientists, Mountain Valley Watch, has recorded hundreds of violations for faulty erosion control and violations of the Clean Water Act. There are ongoing legal battles to hold the corporation accountable and halt work until it can receive all of the necessary permits.
The project itself has pushed back its completion date, yet again, this time until late 2021. It was supposed to finish at the start of this year. While MVP claims to be 92% finished, an analysis of their own data indicates it’s only around 50% complete. The price of the pipeline continues to grow exponentially, from $3B to almost $6B in the past few years. This makes the MVP the most expensive pipeline project per mile to date. Fortunately, investors are scaling back, as we continue to try to push banks to divest.
The MVP has refiled their certification with FERC, and we're submitting comments. If you'd like to get involved, you can personally divest from banks who are funding the MVP, and urge others to do so as well. And if you’d like to support the direct action on the ground, consider donating to our partner, Appalachians Against Pipelines, which is providing legal aid and material goods to the tree sitters.
Header Injustice Project: We’re winning the fight
CCAN’s months-long fight against the Header Injustice Project is paying off. Virginia Natural Gas’ application was recently rejected by the SCC as they could not confirm adequate funding for a lynchpin aspect of the project, C4GT in Charles City. Although VNG has the option to submit a new application, this rejection shows that the tide is turning.
At every step of the process, CCAN has worked with ally organizations and impacted community members to demonstrate the public health risks posed by this dangerous network of pipelines and compressor stations threatening to snake through Virginia. We have fought VNG’s attempt to further target environmentally burdened communities through legal action, media awareness, technical comments, and public testimony. And we’re ready to do it again.
A new application from VNG may propose a smaller project scope, as this dirty fossil fuel project lacks necessity and viability. However, we will fight any iteration of HIP that VNG proposes; fossil fuel infrastructure of any size has no place in the renewable energy future of our state. With victory hopefully in sight, now is not the time for complacency. HIP threatens the Commonwealth from Northern Virginia, through Central Virginia, and into Hampton Roads. Please review our HIP Campaign Page so you’re informed and ready to keep fighting.
National Events
February 13, 2021 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm: BRRRR-tual Polar Bear Plunge. We are taking our 16th annual Polar Bear Plunge VIRTUAL and NATIONAL! Sign up today to be one of the first to have access to this year's Polar Bear Plunge site to register before everyone else.
MD Events
January 12, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm: Maryland Legislative Process 101 – For Students. Join Chesapeake Climate Action Network and the MaryPIRG Student Climate Action Coalition for a special student cram event all about the 2021 Annapolis Legislative Session!
VA Events
January 6th @ 7pm: Virginia Legislative Preview. Join our partner Mothers Out Front for an event that will offer Virginians an overview of some key climate bills coming before the General Assembly this year.
January 7th @ 6:00pm: Picture Your Green New Future. Join our partner Mothers Out Front New River Valley to Picture Your Green New Future! This virtual event will provide Mamas, caregivers and others with an opportunity to learn about and support the Virginia Green New Deal (VA GND) legislation in the upcoming January 2021 VA General Assembly.
January 14th @ 6:30pm: Virtual Offshore Wind Volunteer Team Meeting. Get together with fellow offshore wind activists to discuss what is happening with offshore wind in Virginia and what needs to be done. Each month we discuss updates on the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project, what everyone is working on, and next steps for our work. This meeting is free and open to anyone interested in working on offshore wind!
January 26th @ 6pm: Virtual Letter to the Editor Workshop. This workshop is an opportunity for you to learn more about writing letters to the editor as a way to advocate for the environment. During the workshop, we will go over what letters to the editor are, why they matter, and how they are effective. We will provide you with tips, tricks, and experiences to help you write effective letters on current environmental issues. Whether you are new to writing letters, or just want to brush up on your skills, this is a great opportunity to learn new skills and what to write about.
Support CCAN
We finally have a clear path forward towards climate solutions. But we need your help to get to the finish line. Your tax-deductible donation will help us respond to threats to our climate with bold, creative action. Make your gift today!