Friend, While we have all of the trappings of the holidays on display, there is snow on the ground and holiday lights twinkling throughout New York, this holiday season feels quite different. We’re not preparing to see our friends and families in person and, in some cases, our loved ones are no longer with us, leaving a hole at our holiday table. It’s a stark contrast to our typical traditions, whatever they may be. And let’s not forget those who are risking their lives as frontline workers: the doctors, nurses, grocery clerks, postal workers, food bank volunteers, and so many more. We know this pandemic has put a strain on everyone, but I want to thank you for all that you’re doing, especially during this holiday season. This year has not been easy, I think we can all agree on that. It’s been a rollercoaster of ups and downs, but the future is bright. The Biden-Harris administration has plans to make sure that we return to our lives before the pandemic. So, while this holiday season might differ from what we expected one year ago, I encourage you to call a friend or family member. Enjoy and cherish your connections from afar and soon we’ll be able to come together as a community and celebrate. Until then, Stay Safe, Stay Healthy and Stay Strong! Many Blessings for a Healthy and Productive 2021!
-- Yvette