
Volume 23 • Issue 51 • December 23, 2020
Provisions in the package amend a 1998 federal law that mandated those applying for student aid to disclose if they ever had a drug-related conviction, and barred hundreds of thousands of applicants from receiving funding.
"This study provides evidence that the types of cannabis available in recreational and medical cannabis dispensaries might hold promise as an alternative treatment for PTSD."
"Findings from this study support the experimental evaluation of cannabinoids as a potential adjunct therapy to OAT to improve clinical outcomes."
Since 2010, scientists have published over 23,000 peer-reviewed papers specific to cannabis, with the annual number of total papers increasing every year.
"Our results are consistent with the theory that cannabis is not carcinogenic and hence would not follow patterns of field cancerization."
"The information obtained from this literature review indicates that medicinal cannabis can benefit people with FMS."
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