Dear John,

Stop Big Oil and Gas from destroying our wild places. Demand Joe Biden halt new fossil fuel extraction on public lands and waters.​

President-Elect Biden made historic campaign promises to address the climate crisis -- starting with an end to new fossil fuel extraction on our public lands and waters. Now, it’s time to urge him to act on his promises. Demand Joe Biden protect our wild places from Big Oil.

The federal government has exposed some of our most iconic wild places and surrounding critical habitat to the fossil fuel and mining industries -- from the Grand Canyon to Yosemite National Park to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Big Oil and Gas could devastate wildlife, pollute the water and air, and compromise the health of local communities. It could push threatened wildlife, like bald eagles, greater sage grouse, and elk closer to extinction.

Biden could put an end to this destruction. On his first day in office, he could institute a moratorium all new oil and gas extraction on federal lands and waters. But we need your help to push him to act. 

Sign now: Demand President-Elect Biden halt new fossil fuel extraction in our most iconic wild places. 

When our public lands are auctioned to the highest Big Oil bidder, they bring rigs and drillers into the fragile habitats of threatened creatures. Wildlife is pushed from their homes and the water they depend on is poisoned. Hundreds of thousands of acres of public land are at risk throughout the country.

What’s more, protecting public lands is crucial for addressing the climate crisis. The extraction and burning of fossil fuels from public lands and water accounts for nearly a quarter of U.S. climate emissions. A halt on new leasing is one of the most impactful ways the President-Elect could rein in climate-disrupting emissions.

We need your help, John, to send a strong message to the Biden Administration and demand it protect our planet from big polluters.

Protect our wildlife from Big Oil. Tell the Biden administration to issue a moratorium on oil and gas leases on Day One in office!

Future generations are depending on what we do here and now. We cannot continue to allow the fossil fuel industry to destroy our public lands and the planet for the sake of profit. It is time to take a stand to protect the Earth for our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, and beyond.

We’re up against powerful foes in the oil and gas industry. They’re pushing the Biden administration to allow them to drill and mine, no matter the destruction to people, wildlife, or our planet.

There is no time to waste. Public lands must be a top priority to protect our planet and our collective futures. Together, we can push President-Elect Joe Biden to issue the moratorium day 1. Will you join us?

Protect our Earth for future generations. Demand Joe Biden halt new oil and gas extraction on public lands and waters.

Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio,
Senior fossil fuels program manager,
Friends of the Earth
