Because of you, young people learn to think critically about how population growth affects the world around them. Your ongoing support helps to reach three million students in grades K-12 every year with lesson plans and classroom activities on population trends and dynamics. Thank you!
Even amidst a sweeping global pandemic, the dedication of members like you made it possible for us to press forward and meet the swiftly changing needs of educators and students during this unprecedented time.
Now, I hope you'll take advantage of a generous matching gift challenge from several of your fellow supporters, who will match YOUR gift with one of their own, up to $55,000, through midnight on the 31st!
These supporters include the Sheldon and Audrey Katz Foundation of Maryland and JoAnn Sivley Ruppert of New Mexico, and they are eager to inspire YOU to make your own generous contribution today. Thanks to their generosity, you can DOUBLE your impact on our programs in 2021.
But please hurry! Their generous offer expires at midnight, December 31st.
One of the best ways to combat rapid population growth is to educate young people about the connections between population growth, climate change, resource depletion, poverty, and so many other global problems.
You can help inform even more students next year. Please, consider making your tax-deductible $35.00 year-end gift now—and take advantage of this opportunity to double your impact on programs aimed at population stabilization!
Thank you, so much, for your support. I wish you all the best this holiday season!
With warm wishes for safe and healthy holidays,

Shauna Scherer
VP for Marketing and Development