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Follow Child Mind Institute On Social Media
Join the Child Mind Institute Conversation
on Social Media!
This week on social media, the Child Mind Institute covered math anxiety, disruptive behavior and more. Follow us for more essential information and guidance about children's mental health and learning disorders.
Here are some highlights from the past week:


Dr. Laura Phillips answered questions about math anxiety and offered tips to help kids face math with confidence.


We explained how childhood behavior problems like tantrums and defiance may mask issues that aren't apparent to adults.


Dr. Harold S. Koplewicz spoke with the New Yorker about the impact of isolation and anxiety on the developing brain.

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Children and families struggling with mental health and learning disorders have been hit hard by the coronavirus crisis. The Child Mind Institute is here to help. Donate today and your gift will be matched up to $200,000 and have twice the impact for kids in need.
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Until December 31, up to $200,000 in donations will be matched
thanks to equal contributions of grant support from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF)
and generous personal support from SNF Co-President Andreas Dracopoulos.
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