Indivisible SF Newsletter
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Indivisible SF
This has been a difficult, scary year. We’re almost at the end, though, and now is a good time to reflect. Over the past four years, our small group has been resisting the Trump and Republican agenda. Our members, most of whom were new to activism in 2016, worked tirelessly to pressure our elected officials, protest on the streets, raise awareness of the actions of the Trump administration, and promote a progressive vision locally. Indivisible San Francisco and Indivisible groups around the nation have trained many brand-new activists, and we are well on our way to building an inclusive, equitable, progressive movement that will last a long time. 

We’ve won some battles and we’ve lost some over the past years. We’ve learned a lot about organizing and politics in our community. Most importantly, we’re grateful for you and your activism. You helped us build a massive blue wave in 2018 by writing postcards, text banking, phone banking, canvassing and more. You helped us push back on the Trump administration’s unthinkably cruel violations of human rights, protecting immigrants in our community. You helped us pass legislation on the state and local level that will start us on the path to police accountability and racial justice. And, finally, despite the pandemic, despite the kneecapping of the post office, despite all of the obstacles thrown our way—we voted Trump out of office! 

Make no mistake: removing an autocratic leader via a democratic process is an enormous success, one not often seen in the world. We are so grateful and proud of all the work you did for this election, and the work you continue to do in our fight to win the Senate. We still have a few weeks left in this administration, and we will remain vigilant for any attempts to subvert the election. And once we’ve seen the last of the Trump administration, we will begin a new phase of our work. 

In a post-Trump era, we have much to do. We must continue to resist and vote out the remains of Trumpism—any politicians institutionally opposed to democracy, science, and governance. We must work to build our movement and turn our progressive ideals into legislation. We must push the Democratic party to pass laws that protect democracy, provide affordable healthcare for all, promote economic justice, address climate change, and secure racial justice, LGBTQ+ protections, and reproductive rights. We have to elect courageous, talented leaders who care about the people they represent, not just their own pocketbooks. We have to accomplish all this from the ground up, on the local, state, and federal levels.

We hope you will join us on this effort next year. But in the meantime, here are some things you can do to close out this year on a positive note:
ISF General Meeting: Sunday, January 3, 1–3 PM via Zoom. Register here to join our online meeting. The meeting is open to anyone interested in resisting Trump's radical agenda of hate, division, and greed.

GA Runoff Elections Phone Bank with DemAction SF and Swing Left. Please join us to make calls for the runoff elections in Georgia. This work is more crucial than ever. Add your voice!
Daily through January 5, 2:00 PM–5 PM: Make calls with the New Georgia Project Action Fund. With the Senate runoffs coming up on January 5, NGP is phone banking every day to get Georgians to the polls! Sign up for a shift here.

Keep Fighting,

The Indivisible SF Team
If you'd like to support our all-volunteer team:

Get each week’s call scripts and events directly to your phone with Amplify, an app created by one of the members of Indivisible SF. To use the Amplify app:

  1. Download from the Android or iOS app store

  2. Open the app and tap 'create new account' to sign up

  3. Join the Indivisible SF team using the invite code 101-202-303

  4. Cheer someone on and/or take an action
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1661 15th Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

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