
A Personal Christmas Message

Dear John,

I would love to meet with you personally to thank you for your prayers and support during this year and wish you and your family a very special Christmas season. Since that's impossible, I hope you will take just 2-3 minutes to watch this video we've prepared and will consider it a heart-felt, personal message from me to you.

It is a privilege to do this work the Lord has called us to, and we consider it an honor to be your voice for your values here in Wisconsin. When it comes to advancing Judeo-Christian principles and values by strengthening, preserving and promoting God's plan for marriage and family, the sanctity of human life and religious freedom, there is no other ministry in our state with specifically this focus and mission. And you are an irreplaceable part of this ministry!

Thank you for your trust, for your prayers, and for your financial investment in our mission in 2020. May God bless you and your family this Christmas as you celebrate the birth of our Savior, this Holy Child upon whose shoulders even all the governments of the world rest!

For families,

Julaine Appling

PS:  Thanks to your prayers and support this past year, here are our Top 10 Accomplishments from 2020!  Together we…

10)  Helped increase the conservative majority in the state Senate.  (Several of our PAC endorsed candidates won.)  
9)    Helped hold a strong conservative majority in the state Assembly. (Again, several of our PAC endorsed candidates won.)
8)    Significantly impacted the 2020 election making nearly 500,000 unique conservative voter contacts and influenced over 20,000 voters, who have a history of NOT voting regularly, to pledge to vote in this past election.
7)    Launched LEAD WI, our premier world-view training summer camp built on a civics platform for youth ages 13-19.
6)    Added an additional staff member to the Church Ambassador Network to be able to call on and minister to even more pastors and churches.

5)    Served over 700 Wisconsin churches, by, among other services, providing educational election-related materials to them.
4)    Launched “Lunch with a Purpose,” a series of free lunch-time ZOOM events with well-respected Christian speakers and leaders regarding cultural issues of the day.
3)    Held Governor Evers accountable when unconstitutional virus-related restrictions were put on churches for Easter weekend services and celebrations. 
2)    Hosted our first-ever candidate forum, inviting candidates for the WI Supreme Court this past spring. This was held in partnership with DaySpring Church in Pewaukee.
1)    Expanded our volunteer base by more than 400 new active volunteers! Our volunteer partners multiply our effectiveness and efficiency on key tasks!

Your support now will help us build on these successes as we prepare to start what is likely to be a tumultuous new legislative session beginning in early January. Thank you again!


Wisconsin Family Action 
PO Box 7486 • Madison, WI 53707
608.268.5074 (Madison) or 866.849.2536 (toll free)[email protected]
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