Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Georgia Senator Jon Ossoff.
Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock.
Georgia Governor Stacey Abrams.
Police: defunded & abolished.
Second Amendment: overturned.
The Supreme Court: packed with radical Leftist judges.
Late term abortion: available on demand and paid for by your taxpayer dollars.
Fellow Conservative, this sounds like your worst nightmare, right?
Well, this is actually Stacey Abrams DREAM.
She wants nothing more than to turn Georgia BLUE and impose dangerous socialist policies throughout our state AND our nation.
What terrifies me is that she is working overtime recruiting radical Leftists everywhere to make this dream a reality--and her scheme is rapidly gaining ground. The polls are statistically tied AND we are being increasingly outraised.
We need everyone in the Silent Majority to
do their part and chip in so that when we wake up on January 6th--we don’t live in Stacey’s socialist state.
Because this couldn’t be more critical and time is of the essence, a generous group of donors have offered to match all donations 5X. However, this generous offer is only available through 11:59 PM, so you must take advantage of this offer NOW before it’s too late.