From NSS Media Briefing <[email protected]>
Subject Life peerage for former archbishop of York
Date December 23, 2020 9:41 AM
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** Your daily media briefing - Wednesday 23 December

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** Secularism in the media

* Life peerage announced for former archbishop of York <[link removed]>

The former archbishop of York Dr Sentamu will be given a life peerage as a crossbencher, Downing Street has confirmed. Serious concerns over Sentamu's handling of sexual abuse allegations remain unresolved.

Church Times

* Fiona Bruce appointed new FoRB envoy – NSS quoted <[link removed]>

The prime minister's appointment of a new special envoy on freedom of religion or belief has prompted a mixed reaction from interested charities and campaigning groups. The NSS has urged her to remember that freedom from religion is a vital corollary to freedom of religion.

The Tablet*

* MP Fiona Bruce vows to fight atrocities and persecution as new special envoy <[link removed]>

Fiona Bruce has said she will use her role to improve the lives of anyone who is persecuted for their faith or belief.

Knutsford Guardian

* Church says paedo vicar, 86, may lose his 'honorary title' <[link removed]>

The diocese of Liverpool will review the decision to allow a paedophile vicar carry on working for another 24 years after his crimes were exposed.

Liverpool Echo

* Hear about the reality of FGM as records rise across Cambridgeshire <[link removed]>

Doctors across Cambridgeshire have discovered dozens of new cases of female genital mutilation in the last year.

Cambridgeshire Live

* Halal status of COVID-19 vaccine raises concerns among Muslims <[link removed]>

Radicals' reactions to the vaccination issue has raised concerns about the possibility of disrupted immunisation campaigns in some countries.

The Arab Weekly

* Lawsuit challenges Indiana laws on disposal of foetal remains <[link removed]>

An abortion clinic is suing the US state of Indiana, challenging provisions of a state law which requires foetal remains to be buried or cremated after an abortion.

ABC News

** Medical blog

* ‘Why male circumcision should be delayed’ <[link removed]>

A sound ethical argument can be made to defer circumcision until the age of sexual consent.

** Latest NSS podcast

* Ep 41: Year in review <[link removed]>

In the final episode of 2020, Emma Park is joined by members of the NSS team to look back at an unusual year of campaigning and activities.

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