London moved to tier 4 local restrictions |
Following the announcement on Saturday 19 December, London is now under Tier 4 restrictions due to rising Covid 19 cases.
Cllr Georgia Gould, chair of London Councils said: "We are pleased that the Government has listened to London’s local leaders and public health advisors, and recognised the urgency and seriousness of the situation facing London.
We fully support the measures the Prime Minister has announced today to keep London safe. I would urge all Londoners to make keeping themselves and those they love safe and well their priority this holiday season. All of us taking small steps can make a huge difference – staying at home wherever possible, keeping a safe distance from those not in our household, wearing a mask in busy and indoor spaces, washing our hands regularly and getting tested if we have symptoms."
Finance settlement 'disappointing' |
Responding to the local government finance settlement, Cllr Georgia Gould, Chair of London Councils, said: “It is really disappointing the government hasn’t done more to support councils in the settlement after such a difficult year for London boroughs, which have pushed themselves to the limit to help Londoners and London businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic.
“The further financial support set out in the Spending Review to support the Covid-19 response, while welcome, will not go far enough to cover London boroughs’ additional costs and lost income which will total over £2.2 billion in 2020-21.
"A longer-term approach would provide much more stability for essential local services.”
New data framework to accelerate car clubs |
A data sharing framework for car clubs would shed new light on how they are used in the capital, according to a new report by London Councils, RAC Foundation and Imperial College London.
London boroughs are currently working with car club operators and Transport for London to integrate car clubs into London’s transport infrastructure to meet the needs of Londoners and to safeguard the city’s environmental future. However due to inconsistencies and gaps in data collected, use of car clubs and therefore their potential contribution to London’s wider transport goals is not clearly understood.
Mayor Philip Glanville, Chair of London Councils’ Transport and Environment Committee, said: "This new framework is an essential foundation for learning more about the successes of car clubs and how we can better use them to reduce the total number of vehicles on the road, change how journeys are planned and encourage the use of greener vehicles across London.
“Boroughs are determined to help residents make more environmentally friendly choices. We would encourage people to think before using their cars for non-essential journeys and to consider walking, cycling or public transport instead."
This edition marks the last Key Issues of 2020, with the newsletter resuming on 6 January. We wish you a safe and enjoyable holiday season.
London Councils gets behind data framework for car clubs UKAuthority |
Questions over settlement boost The MJ |
By the boroughs, for the community |
Coronavirus (Covid-19) latest information and advice |
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