Dear Friend,
My name is Ismail Alghazali. I’m a client of Muslim Advocates and, tomorrow, I’m going to tell my story to Congress alongside Farhana Khera. I want you to watch.
Tomorrow will be the first-ever congressional hearing on the Muslim Ban. It’s the first time American Muslims, like myself, will have a chance to show Congress how the Muslim Ban has torn families like mine apart.
You see, I haven’t seen my family in over a year. They’re living thousands of miles away and--even though I’m an American citizen--my Yemeni wife and two young children can’t come because my wife is banned.
We hope to get a waiver soon, but that’s only because I have a team of lawyers at Muslim Advocates and we’ve told my story to the courts and the media. But we have more work to do. My wife Henda, our 1.5-year-old son Khaled and our 5-month-old daughter Rahf still cannot come here.

Ismail Alghazali and his son Khaled
Can you imagine going through life having never met your daughter? That’s the life I live every single day until my precious family can come be with me in New York.
Tomorrow, I’m coming to Washington, DC to speak out because my story is not unique. So many people have the same story as I do and that’s just not fair. Congress needs to fix this.
Please, if I can ask for one thing, watch online tomorrow and urge your member of Congress to pass the NO BAN Act, which will be discussed.
My thanks on behalf of my entire family,
Ismail Alghazali