Fellow Conservative,
I need to be blunt. AOC is getting ready to see her radical agenda implemented in our federal government. As of now, there is only one thing standing between AOC and total control: The GOP Senate majority.
If the Democrats win Georgia, AOC and Bernie Sanders will have a rubber stamp House AND Senate.
Fellow Conservative, there will be nothing stopping AOC’s radical agenda.
Despite the fact that the American people rejected these radical beliefs in House and Senate races, AOC and her radical socialist allies are only one election away from having their radical agenda enacted.
Fellow Conservative, will you chip in $25 to stop AOC from stealing Georgia?
AOC has recruited two committed socialists in the Georgia election, and we simply cannot afford to sit this election out. We need conservatives in office who will reject liberal judicial nominees, new taxes, and attacks on our individual rights. These AOC endorsed socialists will be disastrous. We need to stop them. Will you chip in $25 to stop AOC and her socialist allies from stealing Georgia?
Thank you for your continued support Fellow Conservative
Freedom Corps, LLC
16192 Coastal Hwy
Lewes, DE 19958