DECEMBER 22, 2020
Meyerson on TAP
From: President Trump. Subject: Key Issues for My 2024 Campaign
To: Sidney Powell, Stephen Miller, V. Putin

Date: July 4, 2023


I’m sure these are the issues that Americans will care about in 2024:

  1. Jailing Brian Kemp and that other guy from Georgia, Ratsburger or whatever it is. Lock ’em up!
  2. Keep going back to the Supreme Court to overturn Pennsylvania. I won by a landslide! And we’ve only been up there—what is it? 18 times? 19 times? Alito was nodding yes (or maybe just nodding) the last time we were up there.
  3. Hillary and the Russia fraud! Lock her up! And what’s this story about that pizza place?
  4. Extradite Hugo Chavez and bring him back here to expose the truth about 2020.
  5. All great American cities once had a lot of soot. Can we get more soot?
  6. We brought back executions; how about executing those Central Park Five thugs? So they were "exonerated" by the "prosecutors" and the "courts" and the lamestream media? So what?
  7. And on executions, we brought back gas and the chair, right? How about stoning? What’s wrong with stoning?
  8. Why isn’t Hunter Biden in jail?
  9. And we’ve got to get Don Jr. out of Attica! Are the Proud Boys up to it?

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