Amazing news to announce from

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1. We are pleased to announce that the foreign labor sellout bill S. 386, which many of our dedicated ALIPAC volunteers and donors have fought to defeat, is now dead for 2020! (View source & details HERE)

2. We are also glad to hear that President Donald Trump has finally proclaimed what ALIPAC has been trying to tell him for six years now. (View Source HERE) We've done our best to mail, email, tweet, and press release this info to him again and again, but now he has finally admitted by Tweet on Dec. 17...

"Just released data shows many thousands of noncitizens voted in Nevada. They are totally ineligible to vote!"

When you try to like or share the tweet (VIEW HERE), the Democrats at Twitter have rigged the software to tell you, "This claim about election fraud is disputed."

This breaking news and important announcement from Trump is being added to ALIPAC's tracking list of evidence of non-citizen voters as example #67.

You can use this list at any time to quickly inform others by email, hard copies, mail, texts, or any social media at...
Evidence of Non-Citizens Voting In US Elections Collection Point

3. Please take a moment this week to call or write Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) to thank him for "stopping TPS Amnesty for Chinese communists from Hong Kong!"

Senator Cruz blocked legislation that would create an immigration carve-out to more than seven million Chinese nationals.

At a time when America's national security has been breached in so many extensive ways by communist China which prepares for war against us, we cannot give Amnesty to more illegals from China. Thank you, Ted Cruz! (Read more HERE)

Merry Christmas and much thanks from all of us here at ALIPAC!

PS: If you are pleased with our success defeating S. 386 and efforts to warn America about non-citizen voters, please consider a holiday contribution at...

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Thank you for standing with ALIPAC against illegal immigration and illegal immigrants that are costing Americans our jobs, taxpayer resources, communities, elections, and very lives!

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