Green Party of the United States

We interrupt our Year-End Monthly Sustainers Drive For This Critical Action Alert:

Nancy Pelosi's — Bah Humbug!

Dear Friend,

After months of devastating delays, Congress' paltry new COVID relief package is a slap in the face of suffering Americans.

A $600 check won't get many families through the month, much less the winter.

Meanwhile, Congressional Democrats are shying away from promoting Medicare-For-All.

We. Will. Not. Stand. For. This.

Contact your representatives in Congress now using our action page if you want real solutions that can't wait! Tell them:

  • We demand bold, decisive COVID relief to kick off the desperately-needed Green New Deal
  • We demand bold support for Medicare-For-All, including floor votes, without delay. #ForceTheVote!
  • Stop spending money on tax cuts and subsidies for billionaires and corporations, stop dumping money into our bloated war machine. Invest in the health, safety and future of our communities!

Then make sure you share the action page so Congress can't ignore these demands!


Like most Greens, you probably never had high hopes for what the Democrats would do with a Biden Presidency, but even we are taken aback by just how quickly they are trying to smack down any hope that their control of the House of Representatives and the White House might lead to some real relief from the ravages of capitalism.

That makes it even more important for the Green Party to reach the year-end goal of 100 new Monthly Sustainers. This pandemic has exposed our country's brutal inequality on a scale we haven't seen in a long time and the parties of War and Wall Street are carrying on with business as usual. And their "business" is selling you out.

Please become a Monthly Sustainer today at whatever level you can afford so you can support our Green candidates and campaigns throughout the whole year!

Monthly contributions from people just like you are the most powerful grassroots fundraising tool we have, since our political independence requires financial independence from corporate lobbyists and PACs.

If signing up for monthly contributions doesn't work for you right now, making a one-time contribution today will still go a long way toward fueling our grassroots campaigns for real COVID relief, a Green New Deal and an end to militarism and oppression in all its forms.

Michael O'Neil
Communications Manager
Green Party of the United States


Green Party of the United States · PO Box 75075, Washington, DC 20013, United States . This email was sent to [email protected]. To stop receiving emails, click here.


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