Dear Friend,


This year has been filled with unprecedented challenges for us all.  Our sudden immersion in a global pandemic, the acceleration of climate change and cascading natural disasters, systemic racism laid bare amidst the unrelenting cacophony of a nation deeply divided…. 


At the same time, federal policies towards our nation’s immigrants have become increasingly draconian, with the intent not only to harm but to incite division and even hatred. The Immigration Advocates Network has ramped up its efforts to help immigrants understand their legal rights, find an affordable path to citizenship, and build economic resilience for themselves, their families, and their communities.


We are writing to ask you to consider giving a gift to the Immigration Advocates Network today. This contribution will help immigrants find a path to safety, citizenship, prosperity, and justice.


As we live through the current public health crisis and related economic recession, it is clear that immigrant communities are disproportionately affected.  In many parts of the country, immigrants are more likely to serve as front-line, low-wage workers, with their health and economic security at risk even as their communities are also impacted by cruel and reactionary federal policy measures designed to silence and exclude, to foment fear and even hate.  


Access to legal resources is an essential tool to move these severely impacted and deliberately targeted communities towards greater justice. In the past year, we had nearly 600,000 visits to our online legal materials, trainings, news alerts, and legal directory of service providers. We had more than 3,500 downloads of our timely guide to help organizations offer remote services, as organizations were forced by the pandemic to shutter their offices. 


The Immigration Advocates Network brings together local, regional, and national immigration advocacy organizations around the country to identify the most critical emerging legal needs of immigrants and to find solutions. Our partners bring grassroots connections and deep knowledge of immigrants’ rights issues, and the Immigration Advocates Network brings the tools and skills to use information technology to provide access to justice to immigrants, their families, and communities.


With your continued support, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of immigrants across the US. Please make your generous gift today.

With gratitude, 

Rodrigo Camarena Sig 3

Rodrigo Camarena

Director, Immigration Advocates Network

About Immigration Advocates Network

The Immigration Advocates Network (IAN), a program of Pro Bono Net, is dedicated to expanding access to immigration legal resources and information. We create our own tools, build platforms for others, and work with partners to harness the power of technology to better support immigrants and their advocates.

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Immigration Advocates Network
151 W. 30th St. FL 6
New York, New York 10001

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