FIRST: Democrats in Colorado and Arizona overcame mountains of outside spending and flipped two of the four seats we needed to take back the Senate.

THEN: Jon Ossoff and Reverend Raphael Warnock advanced to runoffs in Georgia, giving Democrats one final chance to flip the Senate and end Mitch McConnell’s reign.

NOW: Mitch McConnell and his allies have pledged to spend over $100 million to sink Jon and Rev. Warnock’s campaigns. Recent polling shows Republicans with a slight lead and we have to fight back ASAP.

SO: We’re setting an emergency goal to raise $25,000 by midnight to help Jon and Rev. Warnock overcome the right-wing attack machine before January 5.

Will you rush a split donation between Jon’s campaign, Rev. Warnock’s campaign, and our work to flip the Senate? Your donation could determine whether or not we take back the majority.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed automatically and split between the Georgia Senate Victory Fund and John Hickenlooper:

This team overcame McConnell’s millions to flip a competitive Senate seat in Colorado. That means we know how to win. Let’s give it everything we’ve got to help Jon and Rev. Warnock do the same.

— Team Hick