Dear John,

Early voting has begun in Georgia for the January 5th run-offs. Our ads are up, details below.

We must raise $19,811 by December 28 to double the number of ads airing the last week before run-offs.

Please respond today (and get a special thank you gift)!

We need your help to defend Georgia, save the Senate, and stop Schumer and his socialist allies.

We can't let them win without a fight.


- John Philip Sousa IV

You're receiving this email because you're committed to defending America against rabid liberals hell-bent on destroying our values. If you're giving up on this critical fight, please UNSUBSCRIBE

Stars & Stripes Forever PAC | Your grassroots SuperPAC
A Message from..
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman of Stars & Stripes Forever PAC
Formerly the 2016 Committee and National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee

Dear John,


Early voting has started in Georgia for the two Senate Run-off Elections being held on January 5.

And because of your support, we were able to record the ads with Georgia Democrat Vernon Jones and go ON THE AIR last week ahead of the early voting in six markets in Georgia with high minority populations.

You can hear the ads by clicking here.

Listen to our Georgia ads...

Election 2020 was unfair and ugly. And though transition planning from President Trump to Biden has begun, it’s not officially over.

President Trump is still pursuing legal battles to contest the vote counting and Texas filed a suit against the states of Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, which asks the Supreme Court to prevent those states from participating in the Electoral College.

In the meantime, the Liberals continue to pit us against one another, divide our country and make promises that they CANNOT keep. Frankly, they lie.

And now, they are playing BIG to make sure that they steal Republican Incumbents Kelly Loeffler’s and David Perdue’s Senate Seats away from them in the January run-off elections so they will control the Senate.

Democrats Then vs. Now...

I’ve even heard that New York’s radical socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said that she’s putting everything she has into flipping Georgia so she “doesn’t have to negotiate with Republicans.”

I want to make this clear: Georgia is all that’s standing between America and socialism.

And if we let them, they’ll steal this entire election. WE MUST FIGHT! WE MUST HOLD THE LINE in Georgia.


They want our guns. They want our money. But most importantly, they want our silence.

If the Democrats take both of these seats, then that would make the 100-seat Senate 50-50. Who holds the control to break any ties? Kamala Harris!

We can't let that happen! I don't need to tell you how important it is that you join in this fight!

Will conservative incumbent Kelly Loeffler beat back liberal Raphael Warnock in January?

Will conservative incumbent David Perdue hold off liberal challenger Jon Ossoff? (You may remember that we helped Karen Handel beat Ossoff in 2017 to hold on to Newt Gingrich's old seat.)

Again, you can hear the ads by clicking here.

Listen to our Georgia ads...

They are airing right now, but we must double the number of ads from 81 ads a week to 162 ads for the week leading up to the election on January 5...

...and we need to raise $19,811 by December 28 to do it.

Sens. Loeffler and Perdue are good conservatives. They have signed AFTR's Taxpayer's Protection Pledge, they will protect the constitution and our wallets, and are the only thing standing between Chuck Schumer and the Democrats gaining the Senate Majority.

Please help today. Please send a generous gift of $32 if you can swing it...

Most of our supporters are giving $32 right now , and it would be so helpful to our work if you could match that amount today.

But if that is just too much for you right now, please know that any amount you feel comfortable sending is critically and urgently needed.

John Philip Sousa IVFor America,
John Philip Sousa IV
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman, Stars & Stripes Forever PAC

P.S. Progressive Democrats hate Americans and America! We can not let them SEIZE THE SENATE and force their radical socialist agenda on us all. They must be defeated.

So please send an emergency gift of $32 or whatever you can to help run radio ads in Georgia and stop the Democrats from seizing the Senate.