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World Resources Institute

Top Blogs of 2020

Dear John, 

2020 was a year we are happy to say goodbye to—and will never forget. It was filled with a heartbreaking loss of life, health and livelihoods for too many, and massive disruption for nearly everybody else. At WRI, we sought new ways to advance a mission made increasingly urgent by rising inequality and climate change: protecting the Earth’s capacity “to provide for the needs and aspirations of current and future generations.” We produced timely new analysis on how societies can Build Back Better from the COVID-19 pandemic and convened global webinars featuring experts with diverse perspectives. Inspired by the Black Lives Matter protests in the United States, we acknowledged that environmental organizations like WRI have done too little to address institutional racism. We committed to do more to ensure that the solutions we advance benefit all members of society, especially communities of color who are disproportionately impacted by environmental injustice. Each week we shared these and other insights with you and our growing community of friends and supporters through the WRI Digest.

This week, in the last WRI Digest issue of the year, we highlight some of our most widely read pieces—and those with the most lasting implications for the years ahead. As you review these stories, I hope you’ll recall the importance of WRI’s work and feel inspired to help us continue to turn big ideas into action to address climate change and other urgent challenges facing humanity today.

With gratitude,

Lawrence MacDonald
Vice President of Communications
World Resources Institute

The Paris Deal at 5. Is it Working? 

by Andrew Steer

Responding to Coronavirus: Low-carbon Investments Can Help Economies Recover 

by Helen Mountford

Top 10 Priorities for President Biden to Tackle the Climate Crisis 

by Dan Lashof

Record Breaking Fires in Australia, Indonesia, and the American West 

by WRI forest and climate experts

5 Pillars of a New Ocean Agenda 

by Nicola Frost and Kristian Teleki

The Number of People Affected by Floods Will Double Between 2010 and 2030 

by Samantha Kuzma and Tianyi Luo 

World Lost a Football Pitch of Primary Rainforest Every 6 Seconds 

by Mikaela Weisse and Elizabeth Dow Goldman

Climate Action Must Progress Far Faster to Achieve 1.5 C Goal 

by Katie Lebling, Kelly Levin et al.

COVID-19, Rising Gold Prices and Illegal Mining Threaten Indigenous Lands in the Amazon 

by Peter Veit and Patricia Quijano Vallejos

China Can Grow Its Economy Through (Even) Stronger Climate Action 

by Xiaoliang Yang

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Stories to Watch 2021 

This year's event will be 100% virtual, as we look ahead at the big stories for 2021. We will be hosting the event on this interactive platform on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m EST.

Join the conversation: #stw21