Dear John,

As we put the finishing touches on our new website, we wanted to pause to wish you and your family a safe and peaceful holiday, and take a moment to highlight a couple of other programs coming in January.

First, the annual We the Students Essay Contest is underway with a new topic: "What is the relationship between Equality and Justice?" Students in grades 8-12 can win one of sixteen prizes totaling $20,000, including a grand prize of $7,500. Visit our website for all of the details and please encourage your students to participate.

We're also excited about our new free teacher webinar series which begins on Tuesday, January 12 at 4 p.m. ET with "Hindsight May Be 2020, Foresight Is So 2021!," an exploration and discussion of what teaching (and living) will look like in the coming year. We hope you can join us!

Finally, as you start to think about this semester, we're excited to announce that all of the content from our brand-new Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness curriculum is now available on our website. Educators interested in using adaptive learning features and using it as a fully online course can also access the resource through OpenStax Tutor.
It's been a year of unprecedented challenges and opportunities, and we want to thank you for your ongoing service to your students and your community. We wish you and your family a healthy and prosperous 2021!

Warm Regards,

Your Friends at the Bill of Rights Institute
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