Dear John,
Donating to As You Sow is one of the best ways to create real impact and real results.
We know how to change corporations… for good – we’ve been doing it since 1992. We do it by finding win-win solutions that work, for employees, supply chains, communities, and customers. That’s why Ethos named us the #1 Corporate Watchdog in the U.S.
We regularly engage the largest global corporations on critical issues. We help companies take courageous, positive, industry-wide steps toward sustainability and justice.
We don’t do it alone.
While 2020 churned, As You Sow delivered one of the most productive and successful years yet. Because of you, we filed more resolutions and brought more companies to the kind of change we all want, and that our country and world need —
Food That’s Safe to Eat – compelling food producers to require the farmers in their supply chains to eliminate pesticides, antibiotics, and other toxins from our food supply
Plastic Free Oceans – oceans, rivers, and ecosystems free of plastic waste
Climate Safe Future – moving energy, utility, banking, and other companies to reduce, and then eliminate, the majority of fossil fuel production and financing in line with Paris goals
A Just World For All – inviting companies onto the path of disclosure and best practices on critical social issues, like fair pay, racial justice, and diversity/equity/inclusion in the workplace, and on eliminating slavery in the global cotton and conflict mineral supply chains
Invest Your Values – free online tools that show how to align mutual fund investments with values
OUR NEWEST WORK – tackling corporations on racial justice
A lot of companies are making statements on racial justice. Statements are easy. Action is harder. We dove straight in to making sure those statements lead to real change.
We’re doing what we do best – holding corporations accountable. We’re able to do it because of the generous support of our donor community.
Right now, the number of companies we can engage one-on-one on racial justice depends directly on how much money we raise. Will you help?
In this era of little accountability our direct engagement with companies is more important than ever. We work directly with people in positions of power, finding new ways to do business better. We change corporations for good.
We hope you’ll decide a gift to As You Sow is also a gift to yourself and to the world, and give as generously as you can. This has been a tough year for everyone — no matter what you decide, we thank you for all you’re doing.
For a safe, just, and sustainable world for all,
Andrew Behar
Chief Executive Officer
Note: As You Sow is not an investment advisor, nor do we provide financial planning, legal, or tax advice. Our content is provided for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice or recommendation