Dear John,

Urge the Biden Administration to stop the Line 3 Pipeline.

For thousands of years, Indigenous communities in the Anishinaabe territory have used the lands in Minnesota to harvest teas, medicines, and wild rice. Now, these lands are at risk as construction has begun on the Line 3 pipeline. Demand Biden take action to stop Line 3.

The Line 3 Pipeline not only violates Indigenous rights -- it would also create pollution equivalent to 50 coal power plants. 

We need your help, John, to push President-Elect Biden to stop Line 3. With enough pressure, we can push this to the top of Biden’s priorities.

Send a message to President-Elect Biden now: Stop the Line 3 Pipeline.

The Line 3 Pipeline will carry nearly a million barrels of tar sands -- the dirtiest, heaviest oil on Earth -- through wild rice fields and under the Mississippi river every single day.

Water protectors and tribal leaders are putting themselves in harm’s way to stop the Line 3 Pipeline -- and they’ve been met with militarized force from Minnesota officials. Dozens of protestors have been arrested for peacefully resisting the pipeline. They are being met with armed sheriffs, highway patrol, and riot gear. Some have even been shot with rubber bullets and tasers. 

In short, state officials are responding with violence to Indigenous tribes working to protect their way of life, and peaceful protestors supporting them. It will take all of us together to stop the destruction. Can we count on your help?

Rush a message to Joe Biden demanding he protect people and the planet from the Line 3 Pipeline.

Construction for the Line 3 Pipeline started the beginning of December. We don’t have long to take action. The work yards are being constructed, and pipes have started to arrive.

President-Elect Biden could still stop the pipeline from being completed. He could review the federal permits, which were granted without adequate review. He could speak out against the pipeline. In short, Biden has the power to stop the pipeline in its tracks.

Speak out against Line 3 Pipeline. Demand Joe Biden review and reverse the federal permits for Line 3!

Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio,
Senior fossil fuels program manager,
Friends of the Earth
