I’m so thrilled to share this with you, Friend.
Recently, I sat down with Cindy Bentley, a Special Olympics athlete from Wisconsin, for a fireside chat. You can watch our conversation now to hear us chat about her childhood, key moments from this year, and our vision for the future of Special Olympics. Take a moment to watch the video >>

Cindy is a hero of mine. She has overcome so much in her life, like childhood trauma and doctors saying she would never amount to anything. Through Special Olympics she found basketball (her favorite sport), confidence, and a powerful belief in herself. Cindy credits my mother, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, and this Special Olympics community for saving her life. I’m so grateful I got a chance to sit down with her this holiday season.
“I wouldn’t be anywhere without Special Olympics. I didn’t even know I had a voice until I joined Special Olympics.” –– Cindy
Please take a few minutes to watch Special Olympics’ first ever fireside chat. I guarantee you’ll learn something new and feel inspired!

Thank you,
Tim Shriver
Chairman, Special Olympics