Missio Alliance is where so many of you in the throes of ministry, day in and day out, come to find like-minded people with whom you can engage over those crucial questions in our shared pursuit of “a church reimagined for a world recreated.”
With our hearts centered in the church and our eyes focused on renewal, we cultivate theological imagination that leads to action in our communities. It is our conviction here at Missio Alliance, from myself as national director, to our board and our staff, that the forward progress of the church in America is contingent on our capacity to center voices of color and those from the Majority World context. We must continue to decolonize our theology and practice. So Missio Alliance is taking steps to elevate our commitment to bringing BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) and Majority World voices into our conversations.
One of our primary platforms at Missio Alliance is our online Writing Collectives. We have an amazing team of writers and contributors—featuring theologians and missional practitioners from all over the nation—who contribute articles. Our writers provide insightful and necessary theological analyses on the many issues the church on mission faces today. We work hard to ensure the diversity of those who write for us, continually seeking to add writers of color and global voices.
Up through the present moment, Missio Alliance has not paid any contributors for their articles. Over the years, we have recognized that this is a significant obstacle specifically for recruiting writers of color and Majority World contributors. It grieves us to know that at Missio Alliance, we have not been able to demonstrate our high value for their voices in a tangible way.
This obstacle is one we believe we can overcome—with your help. As we approach year’s end, Missio Alliance invites you to consider giving to our Writing Collectives Equity campaign. The funds raised during this campaign will go toward soliciting content from writers of color and Majority World contributors in 2021 and into the future, enabling us to offer them financial compensation in appreciation for their writing and other contributions to our collective efforts.
We could quickly meet our total goal of $8,000 if 80 people contribute $50. If you’re able to give more, or if a lesser amount would be a sacrificial gift for you, we would be deeply grateful for donations of any amount.
Your gift to the Writing Collectives Equity campaign will help us to reimagine the church and work toward a recreated world.
Thank you for your consideration.
The work of Missio Alliance is made possible in part by the generous support of our
Alliance Partners
