December 22, 2020
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A special meaning
Neil Brian Goldberg

December 22, 2020
Dinesh D'Souza's most important film yet
DINESH D'SOUZA ? Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary, Trump Card, leads the charge against the new face of Socialism! The Left is fighting harder than ever to destroy the Land of the Free. "Beating Socialism, corruption, and the Deep State": this film is a must-watch for every freedom-loving American. See trailer.... (more)

December 22, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

December 22, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? As Bill Barr is walking out the door of the Department of Justice to open presents on Christmas day, Kimberley A. Strassel of the Wall Street Journal tells us that he is an honest and upstanding Attorney General who believes there was no CIA role in the effort to bring down President Trump. Barr, a former CIA analyst, had come to the conclusion that he didn't "see any sign of improper CIA activity" and that "The CIA stayed in its lane."... (more)

December 22, 2020
NEWSMAX ? President Donald Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani tells Newsmax TV his team can prove their allegations of voter fraud, but the governors of the contested states won't allow access to their voting machines. Appearing Monday on "Spicer & Co.," Giuliani, career prosecutor and onetime mayor of New York City, told host Sean Spicer that the Trump team needs to prove only 10,000 contested votes in Arizona.... (more)

December 22, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Exposing the "chessboard" of the stolen election, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro on Newsmax TV rebuked the "Democrat Party strategic blueprint for toppling" president Donald Trump. "The top line here is very simple: The Democrat Party, as a coordinated strategy across six battleground states -- you've got Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin -- a coordinated strategy to stuff the ballot box with mail-in and absentee ballots, and do it in a way where they bend and often break the law," Navarro told Monday's "Greg Kelly Reports."... (more)

December 22, 2020
NEWSMAX ? President Donald Trump said Sunday he spoke to Sen.-elect Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., on Saturday night, and Tuberville said he's considering challenging Democrat Joe Biden's win on Jan. 6. Trump talked about the conversation during an interview on WABC radio on a show hosted by Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani.... (more)

December 22, 2020
JUST THE NEWS ? Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is not recognizing a Joe Biden win in the 2020 presidential election, as he explained in an opinion piece. A friend had inquired why this was the case. "As I thought about it, I realized my anger and fear were not narrowly focused on votes," Gingrich wrote. "My unwillingness to relax and accept that the election was over grew out of a level of outrage and alienation unlike anything I had experienced in more than 60 years involvement in public affairs."... (more)

December 21, 2020
CISA created ?inadequate DHS plans and strategies to support the 2020 election,? inspector general says
JOHN SOLOMON ? In the weeks just before President Trump fired its leader, the federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) was repeatedly flagged by the Homeland Security Department's watchdog for poor performance, including inadequate physical security planning for election sites, poor intelligence sharing with its private and public partners and weak information security for its own systems, internal reports show.... (more)

December 21, 2020
AMERICAN GREATNESS ? The chairman of the judiciary subcommittee in Georgia that examined evidence of fraud in the 2020 election has released a scathing 15-page report calling the results of the 2020 election "untrustworthy" and recommending that the certification of the results be rescinded.... (more)

December 21, 2020
EPOCH TIMES ? President Donald Trump's advisers "want him to lose" the election "and are lying to him," according to Patrick Byrne, the former CEO who says he was part of a lengthy White House meeting on Dec. 18. "Trump is lied to by his own advisers, who tell staff 'get the president to concede' while they stall Trump," Byrne wrote on Twitter on Dec. 20.... (more)

December 21, 2020
EPOCH TIMES ? Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) said on Dec. 19 that he plans to challenge electoral votes when they are counted during a joint session of Congress on Jan. 6. "On January 6, I'm joining with the fighters in the Congress, and we are going to object to electors from states that didn't run clean elections," Gaetz told a crowd during the first day of Turning Point USA's Student Action Summit, held in West Palm Beach, Florida.... (more)

December 20, 2020
The campaign's first independent filing before the high court
JUST THE NEWS ? The Trump campaign asked the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse some Pennsylvania Supreme Court decisions. "Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., President Trump's campaign committee, today filed a petition for writ of certiorari to the US. Supreme Court to reverse a trio of Pennsylvania Supreme Court cases which illegally changed Pennsylvania's mail balloting law immediately before and after the 2020 presidential election in violation of Article II of the United States Constitution and Bush v. Gore," a campaign statement from Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani says.... (more)

December 20, 2020
AMERICAN GREATNESS ? Raw data from an API direct feed on election night proves that voter fraud occurred in Arizona, a group of data science experts allege in a new video posted on Rumble Thursday. The data scientists, who wish to remain anonymous at the present time, flatly claim that "Arizona certified fraudulent votes."... (more)

December 19, 2020

December 18, 2020
?If we do not reverse the cheating, and put in place measures to prevent it from ever happening again, our republic may well be lost?
LIFE SITE NEWS ? NEW YORK CITY, December 18 – China had a motive and the influence to steal the 2020 U.S. presidential election, a pro-democracy Chinese-American media group asserts.... (more)

December 18, 2020
YOUTUBE ? To every family across our nation, the First Lady and I want to wish you all a very, very Merry Christmas.... (more)

December 17, 2020
Delayed report expected to contain information on foreign interference in 2020 election by the Chinese Communist Party, Russia, and Iran
EPOCH TIMES ? Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said a report on foreign threats to the election would come out next month which would show interference by China, Iran, and Russia, according to CBS News senior investigative correspondent Catherine Herridge.... (more)

December 17, 2020
(Go to 11:35)
NEWSMAX TV ? Former national security adviser Michael Flynn says President Donald Trump has options to make sure the integrity of the 2020 election remains intact, including seizing voting machines around the country and using military capabilities to rerun elections in swing states.... (more)

December 17, 2020
What 'needs' to happen is a special prosecutor, says famed attorney
BOB UNRUH ? Every voting machine used in the 2020 election should be impounded and analyzed, contends attorney Sidney Powell. She said in an interview with the Epoch Times that there's enough probable cause to support that move. And she believes President Trump could use his 2018 executive order on interference in elections to make sure it happens.... (more)

December 17, 2020
JUST THE NEWS ? At a Senate oversight committee hearing on Wednesday, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) said that experts must be given the opportunity to examine and investigate the Dominion Voting Systems machines used during the 2020 presidential election.... (more)

December 16, 2020
Hundreds of millions pumped into swing states to 'undermine' system
ART MOORE ? More than half-a-billion dollars – including $400 million from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg – was injected into elections in key swing states, "causing havoc, confusion and lawlessness" that tipped the election in Joe Biden's favor, contends a report released Wednesday.... (more)

December 16, 2020
The high court had already refused a request for injunctive relief related to the suit
JUST THE NEWS ? A group of Pennsylvania Republicans is calling for the nation's highest court to consider their election-related lawsuit pertaining to the state of Pennsylvania. The U.S. Supreme Court had already refused a request for injunctive relief related to the lawsuit, according to the Epoch Times. The outlet reported that Greg Teufel, a lawyer for the group involved in the suit, had indicated at that point that his clients were planning to submit a formal petition requesting for the Supreme Court to review the case. Teufel filed a petition on December 11 for a writ of certiorari, docketed by the high court on Tuesday, according to the outlet.... (more)

December 14, 2020
WESTERN JOURNAL ? A Michigan judge ordered the release Monday of an independent forensic audit report of the Dominion Voting Systems machines used in Antrim County, which flipped from a win for Democrat Joe Biden to President Donald Trump after a glitch was discovered and corrected.... (more)

December 14, 2020
Indications of Chinese connection
EPOCH TIMES ? Dominion Voting Systems has come under scrutiny for its ownership structure after its parent company raised funds with the help of a Swiss bank before the 2020 U.S. presidential election. The transaction, peculiar in several ways, has led some to speculate that a Chinese entity could be an indirect investor in Dominion.... (more)

December 14, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? For President Trump to leave office at this critical time, a time of national emergency and constitutional crisis, would turn the country over to Communist China, a course that would guarantee national suicide or submergence in a New World Order dominated by America's enemies.... (more)

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