Just one of the reasons I'm with John is his comprehensive plan outlining real steps to fight gun violence across our nation. Will you share it now to raise awareness?
Hickenlooper 2020 |


Each year in the United States, 1,500 children are shot and killed and three million are directly exposed to gun violence, resulting in lasting trauma and psychological distress.

That's why, on Thursday, John traveled to Chicago for a roundtable with families impacted by gun violence.

The stories he heard were wrenching: small children watching their parents shot in broad daylight. Young people shot at while waiting for buses. Families hiding from gunfire in public places that should instead be safe havens, like parks.

These tragedies take lives, and devastate survivors and communities, every single day. Fighting the gun violence epidemic isn’t an abstract battle. It’s about getting real things done, as soon as we can, before the statistics get even worse.

Just one of the reasons I’m with John is his comprehensive plan outlining real steps to fight gun violence across our nation. Will you share it now to raise awareness?


My connection to this issue is personal, friend.

In 2005, just one week after his college graduation, my brother Javad and his fiancé Vivian were brutally gunned down in Aurora, Colorado to prevent his testimony in a murder case. My mother, Colorado State Senator Rhonda Fields, was left with a void in her heart, and had to redefine normal. But her answer to the questions “Why Javad?” and “Why Vivian?” was to work tirelessly to strengthen gun laws and mental health services in Colorado.

In this mission, John was a true ally, championing tighter gun laws in honor and recognition of families, including my own, who have lost loved ones to gun violence across Colorado and our nation. In passing universal background checks and banning high-capacity magazines, John stood tall and strong against the NRA and other naysayers. And when my mother’s life and mine were threatened because of our advocacy, he personally had state troopers provide a security detail to keep us safe.

I’m proud to call John a friend, my Governor, and to stand with him as the next President of the United States. He is a courageous servant leader willing to be a voice for the voiceless and to build bridges of opportunity and wellness for all. And he is a leader who doesn’t just talk, but gets things done.

Friend, John is the only candidate in this primary who’s already accomplished what so many other people are talking about. On an issue this important, talk won’t cut it. We need a track record.

Will you take a moment to read about John’s plans to end our gun violence epidemic and share them now?

Join us today—enough is enough.

Thank you,

Maisha Fields
Surrogates Director
Team Hickenlooper

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PO Box 6377, Denver, CO 80206

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