Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020

Government, Not Coronavirus, Is Killing Small Businesses

Ron Paul, MD

Death by Government Edicts and Vaccination Is Planned Democide

Gary D. Barnett

I Am So Glad that Joe Biden Is a Constitutionalist

Laurence M. Vance

25 Years Later: What the Euro Has Become

Philipp Bagus

Utopia, Coming to a World Near You

Patrick Corbett

Nobody Hipped Me to That…

Eric Peters

‘Project Fear’ Is Here

Perfect storm of the new Covid variant and looming Brexit deadline exposes Boris the buffoon’s empty hand. Tom Fowdy

Why You Shouldn’t Believe the Covid Vaccine Is Effective

Jon Rappoport

Technocracy and the Great Reset

Dr. Joseph Mercola

How Bergoglio Gets ‘the Common Good’ Wrong

Alice Salles

Are We Facing a Future Where Life Only Goes ‘Back to Normal’ for Rich People?

Daisy Luther

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