Dear John

Blessings to you in the Lord and my hope is that you are safe and well at this time. I want to remind you of the missions we are working toward together in Africa through lockdowns, conflict and crisis to see 100,000 come to Jesus this year, as we have for several years now - praise God! There’s still a way to go with counting decision cards this year due to the challenging conditions, however we may still get close with your prayers and support.

This year, we have reached just under a million people through our Home Based Evangelistic efforts, traditional public outreach in Meru Kenya and social action efforts. This is all made possible through your prayers, support and the blessing of God for African Enterprise’s evangelistic efforts.

With your support, we’re aiming to meet mission costs in full during Christmas/New Year’s Eve – in the next nine days – to cover our final missions in Ethiopia, Malawi and Tanzania, get closer to our outreach target, and launch into new cities and countries in 2021.

Your gifts to help us close our $90,000 funding gap will be so appreciated by our hard working teams in Africa, helping them with all they need to effectively witness and bring churches together for mission.

It works out that approximately every dollar you give will help reach THREE people with the Gospel through home-based evangelism.

Thank you for any gift you can give today to help reach this important mission goal over Christmas and before the end of the year in our quest to transform Africa for Jesus. If you've already sent a gift in response to my previous letter, thank you.

And may God bless you and your family this Christmas!

Yours in Christ,




Ben Campbell
Chief Executive Officer
African Enterprise Australasia

For direct deposit, please use the following detail (and advise name and suburb)

Missions (Non-Tax Deductible): BSB 062 217   Account number: 1008 4527

Aid and Development (Tax-Deductible): BSB 062 217  Account number: 1008 4535

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2G/5 Byfield Street, Macquarie Park, NSW 2113