Help is Near

By tomorrow, the Senate is expected to vote on a deal to provide long overdue assistance to American families, workers, and businesses who are struggling as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

For six months, Senate Republicans have supported a targeted relief package that includes many of the same provisions Democrats have agreed to now, including a second round of Paycheck Protection Program funding to support the employees of America’s small businesses, additional unemployment insurance, funding to help schools open safely and responsibly, and additional resources to support testing, treatment, and vaccine distribution.  

I look forward to voting in favor of this critical package to ensure much-needed relief gets to Hoosiers as quickly as possible. 

Record Number of Hoosiers Served in 2020

My staff and I set records for the number of constituents represented in cases before federal agencies this year, serving more than 2,000 Hoosiers and returning more than $4 million owed to Hoosiers by various government entities. Since 2017, we have helped more than 5,000 Hoosiers recover $11,378,394 from federal agencies.


This year, we also helped repatriate at least 194 citizens, including 77 students, who were stuck in foreign countries when the pandemic lock downs began. This includes a group of 20 students and 19 chaperones from Monrovia Middle and High School students who were in Poland when the country shut down all travel on March 13th .


We also helped approximately 250 people who did not receive their stimulus payments from the CARES Act and helped facilitate eight international adoptions that were stalled in the child’s home country.

Government should be at its best during emergencies like this global pandemic, but bureaucracy can often prevent aid from getting to the people that need it. I’m happy that we were able to assist so many Hoosiers, and we will continue to make constituent services a priority.

Hoosiers who think they may need help with a federal agency can visit and click “Help for Hoosiers”.

Hoosier Healthcare Workers Receive Vaccine

I had the privilege of thanking some of the first healthcare workers in the state to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Drs. Steve Roumpf and Sarah Kennedy, and EMT Peri Rogowski. While the vaccines are deployed, I urge all to stay vigilant as we start to see a light at the end of the tunnel.


Stopping the Spread of Coronavirus 

At the recommendation of the Senate Attending Physician for continuity of government purposes, I received a first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. As distribution continues across the country, I want to assure Americans that this vaccine is safe and effective.

I applaud the scientists and medical workers who helped make this vaccine a reality, as well as those on the front lines distributing and administering the vaccine across the country.

I am fighting to ensure we pass a COVID relief package that will help get the vaccine to even more people as quickly as possible. I encourage all Americans to get the vaccine as soon as they can to help stop the spread of this virus.


Path Forward Toward Recovery

During last week’s Senate GOP leadership press conference, I spoke about the rapid development and approval of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine, which is a win for the American people. This vaccine is a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the American people, as well as Operation Warp Speed.  Click here or on the image below for my full remarks.


Improving Maternal Health and Closing the Digital Divide 

Indiana has one of the worst maternal mortality rates in the country. Earlier this year, I introduced a bipartisan solution to identify where the high maternal mortality rates are occurring, and ensure they receive the life-saving telehealth they need. I’m encouraged that my Data Mapping to Save Moms’ Lives Act passed the Senate last week and is now one step closer to improving the lives of Hoosier mothers and families, especially during these uncertain times. Click here to learn more. 

Pete Buttigieg’s Nomination to be Secretary of Transportation

Last week, the former mayor of South Bend, Pete Buttigieg, was nominated to be Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation. As a former city leader here in Indiana, Pete understands how critical infrastructure is to growth and opportunity. It will be good to have a Hoosier serving in this capacity.

Hoosier Judge Thomas Kirsch Confirmed for Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals

On Tuesday, Hoosier Judge Thomas Kirsch was confirmed for the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. Thomas Kirsch’s qualifications, experience, and temperament will make him the kind of judge that every Hoosier can be proud of. Throughout this process, Kirsch has made it clear that he believes in the rule of law and he understands the role of a judge is to apply the law and Constitution as written. Last week, the Senate agreed Thomas Kirsch is the right judge to fill the current vacancy on the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, and I trust he will serve with distinction for years to come.

Click here for more on Judge Thomas Kirsch.


Ending the Conflict in Ethiopia

With many disturbing reports about the conflict in Ethiopia worsening and refugees being killed and abducted, I issued a joint statement with Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) on the need to end this conflict and these human rights abuses. Read our statement here

Social Media Recap




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Thank you for the continued privilege to serve you in the U.S. Senate. My mission is to fight on behalf of Hoosiers and the interests that are unique to our state. I look forward to working with you, and sharing our progress, in the days ahead. 

In Service,



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