Kessler Scores Major Win In Charlottesville Unite The Right Case; etc. (67 items, 12.21.2020)

Good News! Ted Cruz Blocks Chinese Influx Bill, Indian Overclass Importation Bill Stalls; Kessler Scores Major Win In Charlottesville Unite The Right Case; etc. (67 items 12.21.2020)


First in the weekly traffic report this week, Paul Kersey with Driving While White: ICU Nurse "Randomly" Murdered on Her Way to Work by Black Career Criminal. (Original report by James Fulford appears in fourthHer Name Is Caitlyn Kaufman: White Nurse Shot To Death By Black Career Criminal In Nashville, TN.

In second, James Kirkpatrick issues a call to action, Americans: Stop Assuming You Still Have A Country—Organize!

Ann Coulter takes third with: Breonna Taylor—The True Story Of A BLM Hero

And in fifth, Steve Sailer comments ATLANTIC: Women and BIPOC Scientists Fail to Contribute Their Share During Covid Fight. Stop slacking!

UPDATE! We’ve been offered a $5,000 matching challenge! 

Payment processor news from Lydia Brimelow: “This matching challenge was supposed to go live last week, but our plans were rudely interrupted by the news that our online donation processor wanted to ban us. We lawyered up and seem to have bought ourselves some time, but we don’t know how long this window of opportunity for online donations will last. Please give now if you want to do it by credit card because they could pull the plug at any moment.”

Featured Articles

Sunday December 20, 2020

Author Washington Watcher II

Good News! Ted Cruz Blocks Chinese Influx Bill And Indian Overclass Importation Bill Stalls

Saturday December 19, 2020

Author Edward Dutton

MAKING SENSE OF RACE—Or, Refuting Race Deniers Like Angela Saini

Friday December 18, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

John Derbyshire On Jodie Turner-Smith As Anne Boleyn—Worst Casting Decision Of 2020?

Thursday December 17, 2020

Author James Kirkpatrick

Americans: Stop Assuming You Still Have A Country—Organize!

Thursday December 17, 2020

Author Peter Brimelow

Credit Card Donations Still Available As Of Today, But The Window May Be Closing Soon

Thursday December 17, 2020

Author James Fulford

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Author Ann Coulter

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Wednesday December 16, 2020

Author James Fulford

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Michelle Malkin: Some Church Lives Matter More Than Others

Tuesday December 15, 2020

Author Jolene McCarthy

Jason Kessler Scores Major Win In Charlottesville Unite The Right Case

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Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Has America's Suez Moment Come?

Monday December 14, 2020

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Blog Posts

Monday December 21, 2020

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"I Chose To Speak Up": $5k Matching Challenge Starts Now!

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Author Peter Brimelow

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Author Allan Wall

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Outsmart The Tech Totalitarians - Make A Cryptocurrency Donation To Help!

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Author Steve Sailer

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The Erasure of American Indians

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Peak Wokeness? White Boxer Deemed "Racist" for Knocking Out Black Opponent

Monday December 14, 2020

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