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Tours and opening hours
The Bonegilla Migrant Experience is now open Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 10am to 4pm. Our opening hours will be unchaged over the Christmas and New Year period.
Guided tours leave the Welcome Centre at 11am daily. The cost to join the tour is $12 per adult, $9 per child or $32 for Family (2 adults and 2 children). To register your interest for a tour, please call the Welcome Centre on (02) 6020 6912.
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Nonne, Images Through Generations
On display until Monday, May 3
10am to 4pm Saturday, Sunday and Monday
Bonegilla Migrant Experience is proud to present Nonne, Images Through Generations, an exhibition that showcases the role of the Italian Australian Nonne through historic and contemporary photographs.
This exhibition is on loan from CO.AS.IT. Italian Historical Society and Museo Italiano.
Whether it is a long distance or much-loved nonna, a surrogate nonna, master chef or great story-teller, we all have or have had a nonna. This exhibition reminds us of the role they have played in our lives and in our community. Join us in celebrating their wisdom, strength, perseverance, resilience and their great cooking.
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Join us for a picnic
It has been wonderful to see the picnic area in use. If you are coming to the site, pack a picnic lunch and enjoy the ground of Bonegilla for a little longer.
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The Arc memorial sculpture
The Arc is looking amazing with more than 1200 plaques on the wall. It has space for 3000.
We are always taking applications for the Arc, although we have had some website errors over the past month. If you have submitted an application for the Arc, but haven’t heard from us with a proof of your plaque, please get in touch with us.
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Bike hire
Did you know that we have bikes available for hire during our opening hours.
Why not hire a bike to enjoy the local trails and everything the region has to offer.
To book please get in touch with us at the Welcome Centre on (02) 6020 6912.
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Meet the team
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Meet Lois (volunteer)
How long have you volunteered at Bonegilla Migrant Experience?
I have been with Bonegilla Migrant Experience for 10 years
What do you like about volunteering at BME?
I like the friendly office environment, there is always a range of things I can do. Each time I arrive at Bonegilla I am always made to feel welcome and apart of the team. The other volunteers are so passionate and it is a pleasure to volunteer with them. Staff seek my opinions and my contributions are always valued.
I enjoy the work, the landscape which is very relaxing and especially when I am welcomed by Kangaroos and the beautiful birds.
What connection do you have to Bonegilla?
I was a resident at Bonegilla in Block 14 (E block) in 1969 and have an understanding of camp life at Bonegilla – but I am always interested in the stories of the ‘after war’ migrants, they are Australia’s history. I really enjoy meeting people from all over Australia and am passionate about them sharing stories with us.
Over the 10 years I have seen so many changes and improvements to the site, it is always developing.
I have a plaque on the Arc memorial sculpture here at Bonegilla, which will always be here and remain a part of history for future generations.
How do you pronounce Bonegilla?
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How to contact us:
If you need to contact us, please phone (02) 6020 6912 or email [email protected]u
With the change to our opening hours, we are available answer calls and respond to emails Saturday, Sunday and Mondays from 10am to 4pm.
If you contact us at a time when we are closed, please be assured that you will receive a response during our operating hours.
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We'd love to hear your feedback
Have you recently visited us at Bonegilla Migrant Experience?
Feedback is always welcomed. The feedback you provide helps us deliver what we do, better every day!
Click here to complete the online survey.
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Do you like us on Facebook or Instagram yet?
We regularly share news and happenings so follow us to keep up-to-date.
We look forward to welcoming you to Bonegilla Migrant Experience soon.
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