By college this young man was convinced by atheist scientists like Richard Dawkins that there is no God.
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December 21, 2020
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“Blind Evolution… Explained Everything” ([link removed])
By college this young man was convinced by atheist scientists like Richard Dawkins that there is no God and that “blind evolution... explained everything.” But then he came across a book by a biologist that challenged everything he thought he knew about life. Learn what happened next.
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Dallas Conference on Science and Faith ([link removed])
Register now for the next Dallas Conference on Science and Faith on February 20, 2021! This time you can attend either in person or online. Featured speakers will include Stephen Meyer, William Dembski, Marcos Eberlin, Melissa Cain Travis, and a special speaker yet to be named!
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ID Made Sassy: A New Book for Young People ([link removed])
Doug Ell’s delightful new _Proofs of God_ uses cartoons and a dialogue between Doubt and Reason to present scientific evidence for faith at a level anyone can understand. Superb for young people as well as their parents. A wonderful last-minute Christmas gift for someone you love.
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Darwin Day: Christmas for Atheists? ([link removed])
A professor organized a Darwin Day celebration for his students where they decked the halls with humanist style. Participants decorated an evolution tree, exchanged Darwin cards and even sang evolution carols. If this sounds familiar to you, that’s because it was designed that way.
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Walter Bradley’s Wonderful Life — Scientist, Humanitarian, ID Proponent ([link removed])
Scientist Walter Bradley may not be a household name, but he should be. He’s like George Bailey in the film _It’s a Wonderful Life_: He has impacted many lives, and the world is a better place because of him. Learn how he integrated faith with science.
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January 8, 2021
_Online webinar_
Dallas Conference on Science & Faith — 2021 ([link removed])
February 20, 2021
_Denton, TX or Online_
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