Election Protection Update for John
[email protected]
2020 Election Protection Signature: MISSING

Democrats in the Senate have been fighting day in and day out for comprehensive election security legislation but Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans have thrown up roadblocks at every turn.

Add your name today to demand Mitch McConnell and the GOP pass election security legislation now to protect our democracy from foreign interference >>
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John —

THE BAD NEWS: Without a combination of funding and legislation state and local election officials across the country won’t have the resources they need to protect our elections.

THE GOOD NEWS: Because of supporters like you we’ve made progress in the fight for election security in 2020 and beyond -- but it’s critical we don’t let up now.
Add your name to join Senate Democrats in demanding Mitch McConnell and the GOP pass election security legislation to protect our elections! >>
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Last week the Senate Appropriations Committee voted to allocate $250 million toward election security efforts across the country. It’s a step in the right direction, but it’s not nearly enough.

If Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans are serious about safeguarding our democracy, they will pass the full $600 million proposed by the House and take up bipartisan legislation in the Senate to make real investments in our election security system.
Will you sign the petition today to demand the Senate pass election security legislation in addition to funding to protect the integrity of our elections? Your voice in this fight is critical >>
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The stakes are too high to let our momentum slow down now, John. Thanks for taking action with us today.

— Flip the Senate