The John Birch Society
Image from Tehran Times
After spending four years trying to destroy President Trump and the policies he stood for, the Left has now “defeated” him in an election filled with vote fraud and irregularities. Now that the Electoral College has cast its votes, there are growing calls for Congress on January 6 to challenge and reject those votes cast in states where fraud and unconstitutional voting procedures affected the results.

As The New American has extensively documented, the 2020 election was filled with voter fraud and irregularities, enabled by various laws including those that discourage transparency and which make it easy to vote without proper identification.

Additionally, many state voting laws, particularly those adopted since the coronavirus pandemic began, violate Article I, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution which states that legislatures must decide those rules, not bureaucrats or courts.

Since these problems exists, serious and legitimate doubt exists that Joe Biden actually won, and if he did not actually win, those electoral votes should not be counted in his favor.

While many establishment Republicans quickly moved to dump Trump and congratulate Biden, others are choosing to fight for election integrity with some options at their disposal.

As the Constitution does not give much detail about the counting of electoral votes, Article II, Section 1 does state that, “The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted.” The Twelfth Amendment contains a nearly-identical statement which is expounded upon in the Electoral Count Act of 1887.

Under this act, if at least one member in both the House and Senate object to any electoral votes, the chambers must debate for two hours over the objections. The votes can then be rejected if both chambers vote in favor of rejection.

In the current political makeup of Congress, success would be very difficult, but if this did succeed, Congress would likely decide the next president. In fact, if neither candidate is determined to have a majority of the Electoral College votes, then the contest would be thrown into the House where each state would have one vote. 

Since the Republicans currently control more state delegations in the House, Trump would likely have a path back to the White House.

Additionally, challenging the electoral votes on January 6 will send a message to Congress that Americanists will not roll over and allow the Left to hijack this country.

There are already some members of Congress that have announced they will challenge the electoral votes of certain states. On top of this, Vice President Mike Pence will preside over the electoral vote-counting.

So it is important that we continue pushing for election integrity, in this election and future ones. Check out The New American’s Election Chaos page to find more information about what is currently happening. Then urge your U.S. representative and senators to challenge the electoral votes of states which are in doubt on January 6.
Listen in: Radio Interviews
Listen to this recording of Dr. Duke Pesta's radio interview on the nationally syndicated "Steel on Steel" show with John Loeffler. 
The episode aired over the weekend. The two discuss Duke's latest cover story for The New American, "Christianity Today: Surviving The 'Woke' Church." You can listen here:

TNA Insight!

With its promises of equality for all, socialist mania is overcoming churches and recasting what it means to be Christian, dispensing with the words of Christ and biblical teachings.

Get your copy of Christianity Today: Surviving the "Woke" Church

In case you missed it...

Counting Every Vote?

Watch this episode of News Analysis.
Neutralize the Opposition 

Watch this episode of Anarchy & America.
False Flags & Militancy

Watch this episode of Activate America.
Then & Now: Election Integrity

Watch this episode of Matter of Action.
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