I have a Christmas wish for Santa Clause. It starts with “L” and ends with “egal Weed for PA.”
Dear Santa, I have a wish for you this year: Legal Weed for PA.
Maybe this Christmas we could finally stop locking people up for a little green plant. A plant that has caused precisely zero overdose deaths, but somehow still racks up 20k new criminal cases a year in Pennsylvania.
Wouldn’t that be a Christmas miracle?
John, could I get you to sign our LegalWeedforPA.com petition before the year is up? Just click and add your name. More people = more momentum.
In Pennsylvania, two bottles of wine at home makes for a nice holiday weekend. Two weed plants at home makes you a felon and a special guest of the Department of Corrections for two years.
We can change that. But it starts with us building the political momentum to do it.
John Fetterman
Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania