50 Years of Standing Strong

With you by our side, the Native American Rights Fund stands strong for Indian Country. Together, we have faced fifty years of challenges and fifty years of struggles. We have borne witness to fifty years of warriors.

And, we have seen fifty years of progress. It is hard to imagine how things would be different today without those many years of service. Water, education, sacred places, tribal recognition, peacemaking, sovereignty, voting rights, repatriation, representation. Despite relentless challenges, Native peoples' rights continue to advance because of the commitment, efforts, and contributions of so many.

Because the challenges continue, so must we. We will continue to fight to see Native lifeways protected, promises made to Native peoples upheld, and sovereign rights respected.

You, too, can be a part of this legacy of change.

Donate today to honor our past and protect our future. Your investment now paves the way for progress in the years to come.

Click here to give now.

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