It's hard to say I'm the "new" Executive Director after these past months, but since I haven't gotten to meet you all in person yet, I still feel like the new guy. It was great to see all those faces at our year-end party - we really have a great community. I look forward to meeting more of you in 2021, and doing it in person some day!

We heard from Senator Scott Wiener and Assemblymember David Chiu about what they're facing at the state capitol, and their excitement for the new Transportation Committee leads. We shared some heartwarming and uplifting stories. We also honored a difficult year and the people we've lost in our transit community. Such loss really underscores how important it is that we come together and celebrate each other when we can.

So in that spirit, we want to congratulate the winners of our year-end photo contest, and this year's Volunteer Awards!

SFTR 2020 Photo Contest Winners

Liz Broekhuyse, board member with our friends at Seamless Bay Area, won for this shot of the AB2057 launch party. A great capture of our transit community and what we can do together!

Member Susan Latham won for this great shot of riding the historic F Market pre-pandemic. Swoon!

Our friend Hayden Miller won for this beautiful, almost psychadelic shot of Muni's modern fleet.

SFTR 2020 Volunteer Awards

We haven't been able to get out on the streets and talk to riders at events like Sunday Streets and Transit Week, obviously. But we still had important moments for folks to speak up for transit, a funding measure to pass, and work to do.

Chris Pederson: Mr. Everything Award

With a small staff, our impact as an organization depends on the support and actions of our volunteers. No one demonstrated this more than Chris, who took at least 18 different actions with us this year. Chris spoke up at SFMTA board meetings, signed petitions, donated, and distributed literature for Measure RR. If there was something to do with transit and we put out the call, Chris came through. Thank you, Chris!

Cheryl Brinkman: Courageous Leader Award

This year, Caltrain got its first dedicated funding stream with the passage of Measure RR.

Measure RR would not have made it to the ballot without the courageous stance taken by Cheryl Brinkman in her role at the SFMTA board. Cheryl stood up for the best interest of transit riders and brokered a deal that helped get Measure RR on the ballot. 

Because of Cheryl’s work, and the work of amazing advocates, transit leaders, and volunteers across the bay area (including our members!), Measure RR passed with 69% of the vote (73% in SF!).

Cat Carter: Interim Executive Director

Cat volunteered for the interim Executive Director role last year at a difficult time, stewarding us after the organization's first Executive Director stepped down. And then of course, she faced this historic crisis for public transit, managing the tremendous uncertainty of COVID-19 with staff spread across the bay. Cat’s experience, know-how, positive attitude, and flexibility kept us not only afloat but active and impactful at a critical time for transit.

I'm so grateful to be part of this community, and so proud to celebrate the people in it who are standing up for transit and transit riders every day. Thank you and congratulations to all our winners!

Mark Cordes
Executive Director

San Francisco Transit Riders

P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 [email protected]
