The United Nations 2020 Human Development Report illustrates what you already know: Humans have taken the earth to the brink. We’ve altered our planet in many ways, and the UN asserts that we’re now entering an era “in which the dominant risk to our survival is ourselves.”
No one can ignore the effects of rapid human population growth this year—from a deadly pandemic sweeping the globe to ferocious wildfires across the Western U.S. and a historically terrible storm season on the Atlantic coast.
It’s absolutely critical that we reach more Americans with the message that global population growth harms our health and our planet. That’s why I’m glad to share with you this exciting news: A group of generous supporters like you will match all gifts made through December 31st, up to $55,000.
Friend, your gift of $35.00 will become $70.00!
You know all too well that population pressures pose grave threats to our health and environment. By ensuring access to safe and affordable reproductive health care for all, we can forge a more sustainable future on a livable planet.
We’re the only national grassroots organization raising awareness about the critical links between global population growth and so many of our global crises. We truly don’t have a moment to lose.
So, please, consider a gift of $35.00 today. Our generous sponsoring donors are eager to inspire YOU to make your own generous contribution today, which will be matched dollar-for-dollar with their own gifts to double YOUR impact.
You can stretch your donation to do even more in the year ahead as we work tirelessly toward a stable global population. You can help bring us back from the brink. Thank you.
With warm wishes for safe and healthy holidays,

John Seager
President and CEO