Powerful tech corporations have a singular mission: make profits for their shareholders.
Common Dreams has a different mission: to help make a better, more peaceful, and more just world.
Learning that powerful entities like Facebook and Google can make or break a news outlet simply by adjusting their algorithm or throttling their website should shock the conscience of anyone who believes in democratic values and the bedrock imperative for a free press in a free society.
Like it or not, Google and Facebook control huge portions of the Internet, and if they have the power to destroy a site’s traffic flow on a whim, we understand that our hope for a better world lives under the shadow of this kind undemocratic authority.
Common Dreams was founded to be a bastion against corporate news. Powered by people and built on the promise of an open internet, our dedication to rigorous journalism, our progressive vision, and you—our readers—is all we have.
If we are to continue our work covering the crucial issues of the day and waging the necessary battles to keep ourselves strong and insulated from such attacks—we need to make sure that those who believe in this nonprofit, independent model of journalism continue to support our mission. Please join us now with your support.
We say it often, but it’s always true: without you, we simply wouldn’t exist.