Dear Friend, Have you ever wondered why Green America focuses so much on your support this time of year? The truth is, as a member-funded organization, Green America receives 50% of our member contributions in December from individuals like you. What we raise in the final days of December literally determines how much we can take on in 2021! It's enough to keep us up at night. We are blessed to have the support of a group of generous donors who have stepped forward to match your year-end donation dollar-for-dollar up to $125,000. Their challenge is simple. They will step up...if you step up. We still have $69,523 to raise to meet their match…and only 10 days before our deadline! Please, I need your support today. I promise we will ramp up our game-changing green economy work in 2021: - We’ll push Amazon, Verizon, and AT&T to not just commit to, but rapidly start using 100% renewable energy.
- We’ll pressure Walmart – the largest U.S. grocer – to stop using HFCs as refrigerants in our new “Cool it!” campaign. HFCs have 9,000 times the global warming impact of CO2.
- We’ll grow Climate Victory Gardens! In WWII, there were millions of victory gardens. Now we’re asking Green Americans across the country to help bring them back to address the climate crisis.
- We’ll shift the next 15 million acres nationwide to regenerative agriculture practices that will save our soil and reverse climate change.
Support from passionate people like you is what keeps us going! We can't do it without you, |