This month, I was asked to speak at the regional meeting of the Democratic National Committee in New Hampshire in front of energized, passionate progressives just like you.

We discussed our progress since the Blue Wave on election night 2018, when the American people chose a new path forward for America. And in ways big and small, House Democrats have made good on our vision:

  • We've passed the most comprehensive anti-corruption measures in our lifetime, closing ethics loopholes to hold Members of Congress and their teams accountable in ways like never before.
  • We've created first-of-their-kind diversity measures to ensure our staffs reflect our country more accurately and opened debates to bring more voices to the table.
  • We've passed nearly a dozen bills to expand coverage and improve affordability in our existing health care system and lower costs for prescription drugs.
  • We've passed measures to increase the minimum wage and give 33 million workers a raise.

I could go on, but here's the bottom line: elections matter and our grassroots movement is working. As we face our end-of-quarter deadline, stand with me in the fight for the soul of our nation. Give $3 today.


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