Secular authorities and fake Christian spiritual leaders deny every tenet of Jesus Christ. And the assault on human Life is rampant worldwide.
This was the first year Texas Right to Life has formally been a Christian organization seeking God’s guidance and following His tenets.
Friend, together, we are the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. We are called to care for the least of His people. Will you stand up now for the Gospel of Life with a gift of $25, $50, $250, or more today?
Texas Right to Life called for the abolition of all forced euthanasia under the Texas 10-Day Rule AND for the end, the abolition of abortion in Texas.
We are tired of the lip service, half measures, and failures of our political and spiritual leaders.
If they are serious about defending innocent human Life, abolish these atrocities when the session begins in a few weeks!
Evil must be combated with spiritual strength and bold, aggressive human actions. We must trust in the Lord and not fear the world.
I ask you to think not in terms of money, but in terms of your time. Maybe you can give the amount you make in one hour every week to defending Life. Just pick a number that means something to you that you will be proud to show our Lord.
All of us at Texas Right to Life plan to sacrifice and fight harder than ever. We ask you to give like you never have.
Friend, would you please donate a gift of $50, $100, $250, or more to spread the Gospel of Life?
Thank you for defending what’s right.
Yours for Life,