Dear Reader,
We’re grateful that so many in our community clearly value the critical role local journalism has played during this pandemic. And we’ll continue to work hard for you, long after this crisis is over.
But the news is not free to produce. We must pay for reporting supplies (laptops, pens and those classic long notebooks — yes, we actually use them!) as well as journalists’ salaries, fees for public records, travel costs to meet teachers and students and more.
Thanks to the direct support of our readers, we have been able to offer our content in Spanish; we have covered how American schools teach about climate change; and we have examined how districts disperse their dollars unequally among schools. And now, in this dire time, when our systems of education are strained by financial pressures, declining student enrollment, the digital divide and more, the need for our reporting is more urgent than ever.
You’ve been reading Hechinger for free, but — if you can — now is the time to show your appreciation, with a donation that reflects what our work means to you. And here's how your contribution can have an even larger impact:
Any donation you make today will be TRIPLED, thanks to a group of supporters who have pledged to match all donations up to $20,000.
That means your gift of $50 automatically becomes $150; $300 becomes $900. Every dollar truly counts when a match fund is available so please don’t hold back — show us how much our reporting and our reporters mean to you!