Hey Friend, I just wanted to make sure you saw Adam’s message below. We’ve set an ambitious goal of raising $60,000 by the end of the year to end gun violence. Thanks to a generous anonymous donor, any first-time donor or monthly contribution will NOW BE DOUBLED. 

Can you contribute today? 





---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Adam Garber
Date: Fri, Dec 17, 2020 at 9:39 AM
Subject: a way forward



This hasn’t been an easy year. COVID-19. An economic rollercoaster. And on top of it surging gun violence. 

While the year ended with President-elect Biden pledging to make our communities safer from gun violence, in Pennsylvania's General Assembly gun rights advocates are still in charge.

Change doesn’t come all at once nor does it come easy. It takes a constant effort to break open every crack until light pours forth. And that’s what we will put into this fight. We’ll use every tool including litigation, local advocacy, organizing citizens, and bringing new partners into the movement, to make progress.

Can we count on you to make a contribution today to ensure we can be all in on that fight? 

We know how to win these battles. Since the election, we beat the gun lobby in a court case that could allow municipalities to tackle illegal firearm trafficking. Last year, we convinced Governor Wolf to establish a statewide public health approach to gun violence. In 2018, we found a path forward to disarm abusers despite enormous opposition. 

In just the last month, we’ve brought together a diverse coalition of more than 80 partners around a common agenda for new, bold gun reform. It includes public health leaders and community violence interrupters. We have local officials who want their neighborhoods, schools and places of worship to be safe.

We can continue and expand these efforts with your support. Donate today. 

With an exhausting election behind us, a pandemic still raging, and gun violence surging, being in this fight can feel tough. But this last year has shown us that when we go all in, we move things forward. We don’t always finish the job as quickly as we would like but we will find a way to get it done.

Together, we can make that happen quicker than ever.

Adam Garber
CeaseFire Pennsylvania Executive Director


P.O. Box 60095
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
[email protected]

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